Since Day One

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                          Now I don't exactly remember who said what all I know is that ever since the 6th grade we have all been friends. We have all heard each others  stories, understood each others pasts, and have all found a safe place by each others sides. Ever since we met we have all adventured into life together. The summer before high school started Liberty went to San Francisco and met some great kids from Scotland and applied for the exchange program so she could return with them and we occasionally get calls or texts from her ,but she decided to make her life there. She has a family, a nice home, and an amazing job as a journalist out there. The rest of us moved on to high school out here in Cali. Breawna, Jessica and I went to high school together our first year, Nichole joined us second year she had  moved away mid eighth grade year to go live with her aunt because her dad was a trucker who was often on the rode. We all managed to survive high school in our own way.

      When we graduated Breawna and I moved from our parents house to our cousin's house in Berkeley, CA . While I attended UC Berkeley she attended  Berkeley city college her first four years. Later we split up calling each other every morning and every night so we wouldn't miss a thing. I moved to Ireland with Nichole and Jessica for one year so they could study abroad while I worked as a waitress at a local pub. Breawna went to England to attend the Royal college of art in England. The New years eve marking the end of the year that I lived there I few out to England to surprise Breawna. I had gotten accepted into Plymouth university and had planned on asking her if I could move in with her because she had an extra room. Of course being my awesome twin sister she said yes so we finished up college.  

I got my M.D in the study of Law and has passed the BAR. Breawna gets her PHD in design and opens her own clothing shop on the world famous Baker street. Jessica and Nichole graduate from CFA university. Jessica gets her Bachelors in physics, but goes on to study around 6,500 spoken languages to become a high demand national translator. Nichole gets her M.D in astrophysics and moves on to build a small research facility where she builds her own 3D printer and develops Co15Mg6Ni9Br13 rocket fuel witch saves our country billions of dollars in research and development.

Breawna and I bought a villa by Porthcurno beach. I build my own firm and have made our mother who with our father moved out here my partner. We work great together and for once I am her boss so it feels pretty great. Our dad starts a new franchisee shop to work out of he owns the now world famous Kouran Motorcycle company. Nichole lives in Framlingham about seven hours inland. Jess lives in Coventry about the same distance away. Liberty is still living in   Aberdeen, Scotland. She works as a local travel agent for high end visitors and wealthy local residents.

      We are all doing fine so far I can't wait for what is to come. Good or bad we have each others backs. All I can say now is this is going to be an adventure however life turns out for us.

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