Chapter 2

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I pound on a black door of her yellow house. An angry looking pixie opens the door. I always called my best friend pixie, mostly because she hate it and she looks like one. Neck length hair, slim, and short. I wouldn't e surprised if she sprouted wings.

"Al?" She ask, her face full of relief. I scowl at my nick name but let it go.

"Sid!" I hug her, "Listen, Sydney, Im leaving. Want to come with?"

"I do want out of this town." She thinks it over, "Yeah. I'm coming."

"Hey Sid?" I stare down at her.

"Yeah, Al?" She stares up at me.

"There all dead." My lip trembles.

"Mine too." Water fills her eyes.

"I killed Dylan and dad. Dylan kills mom." I keep emotion out I my voice.

"Mom killed dad. I killed mom." Sydney sighs. "I hate life."

"Me too. Hey, we have someone coming with us, you mind?" I ask, gesturing to Zach.

"I know him!" A grin spreads across her face, "He's really nice." I take that like a confirmation that he can come.

"Let's go, Sid." I throw my arm around her and me head back to the car. Because she's older than me, Sid drives. I let her, needing some sleep before we leave the town.

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I wake up two hours later and I'm informed we're in New Jersey, and everyone is practically infected. I only shoot the ones that chase us.

"Hey, Alex-" Zach begins.

"Call me Al." I sigh.

"Okay, Al." Zach sounds like he's grinning, "How'd you get so good at the bow?"

"I used to go to this summer camp and took archery every year. It's a ton of fun." I smile at the memories.

"Cool." Zach mutters. I hear him add on "Kinda hot." I scowl.

"Zach, she just lost her family she's not ready for being 'kinda hot'" Sydney whispers.

"Sorry." I could hear Zach blushing. Chuckling I turn around to see a face of one of the infected a foot away from me. I scream. The arrow stabs the zombies head, and it falls away as I take out the weapon.

"Oh my god." Sydney brakes and crawls back, telling Zach to take the wheel. She hugs me, close to tears. "I almost lost you to."

"You're never going to loose me." I growl, returning the embrace. I climb into the front seat, letting Sid sleep.

"I'm sorry for my earlier comment and distracting you." Zach keeps his eyes the road.

"That's fine." I say, in my thoughts.

"Al?" He takes a quick glance at me.


"I wish your family was here with us." He sighs quietly.

"Me too." I stare out the window for hours.

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"Alex!" I hear screams, but it's not from either of my two companions, there my brothers. "You killed me Alex? Why?"

"You were turning, I couldn't just let you turn. You'd hate me, Dylan." I cry silently.

"Alexis, I am so disappointed in you." She turned around to see her fathers angry face, "What I there was a cure?"

"Daddy, please! I had no choice!" I reach out for him but he sneers and leans away.

"You get an F minus for not thinking. I thought I was your favorite teacher!" My third grade teacher appeared a few feet away.

"It's not my fault! You guys could've killed me and my friend." I yell.

"Lexi, darling." My mother soothes, "Just come to us. Just come die. thousands of people will come and lecture you if you don't. You could've saved us."

"Mom, I thought you would understand!" I sob. Then I hear Zach's voice, calling my name. "I- I won't die." I turn to Dylan, "You made me promise to save the world. I will." Then I'm pulled into consciousness.

"Al! Alex!" Zach pulls me close to home, hugging my feverish body, sweaty and gasping for air. Sid wakes up and sees me, flailing around for oxygen.

"Alexis!" She never says my full name, so she's really worried, "Di she get bitten?"

"No! She fell asleep an then started convulsing!" Zach tries to still me but I'm scared that if I calm down, my family will be there, scolding me for killing them.

"Night mares!" I scream, "It was just a nightmare."

"Alex! You scared the crap out of me you daft idiot." Sid lets out a heavy sigh.

"You really need to control your dreams." Zach groaned.

"Sorry. I- it was hard this time. They were there." I stammer.

"No. I was joking, you can't control your dreams." Zach sighs, "You don't have to anyways."

I shake my head.

"Where are we?" I look around.

"I don't know, to be honest." Zach glances around. "Where are we going?"

"I don't know. Where should we go?" I rub the sweat off my forehead.

"France." Zach and Sid say automatically. It was supposedly the safest place in earth right now, so they think to go there. I roll my eyes.

"We should stay in America." I whisper, "We should save people."

"I'm down for that." Sid nods. She's always been the courageous one.

"Are you crazy?!" Zach pulls away from us.

"Probably." I chuckle. Soon, Sydney joins and Zach begins to crack up. It might be hysteria, but at least it's something.

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