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(Pg. 37)

Martinus joke corner: What animal is the most sorry for? Anthills

Did you know that ... Martinus favorite subject is sports

We moved to Trofors 2006, when my father started building the house we live in. We could move in before Christmas 2007, and the house was completely finished in 2008. Here we have lived most of our lives and it has been very good to grow up here. We have a big garden, a lot of space to a bicycle and play football and play. We learned a bike without training wheels in Trofors, at Laksforen. We remember so well that we got new bicycles father had hidden behind the garage. We came home with the bus and was really excited because we had new bikes, but the father seemed like he did not understand what we meant. That there were no new bikes waiting for us. He always used to joke with us so there! Finally we found the bikes behind the garage. They were too high for us, we were well maybe seven years, as both stood on the nose. When we got tired and went inside. But we tried again a little later and it went better! Suddenly, we were able to ride a bike.

When we lived in Romedal we had a östlandsdialekt when we spoke, for as everyone talked about us except our parents. That is why our dialect is a bit strange now, it's a mixture of what we talked as small and the dialect they have here in Trofors. There are some that are a little upset and think that we have put ourselves to the dialect because we travel a lot and are in Oslo often, but it has actually always been so. We might have had left our mixed dialect because we always had each other to talk to, we both talk the same way. Hard to know. A bit strange is the way it is. No matter what dialect you have Trofors is a great place to stay, if you ask us. Life had certainly looked very different if we had lived in Mosjoen, or in Oslo, considering how much attention it is around us nowadays. Here are all familiar with us, so we can go out and do what we want without problems.

Captions pg. 38-39- (sorry no pictures. will try to add them on soon)

We sang in the children's choir in Trofors when we were younger. See how focused we are.

Cheers Dad and Martinus drink tea with bathrobes on.

Here we maintain a baptism when we were 8 years

In my father's knee on Christmas Eve.

Marcus under the rainbow with Spiderman cap.

Our little sister Emma has always been cute! Marcus Martinus to right and left.

With the mother on the way to Thailand.

Martinus has put on the glasses.

Who is the cutest?

Marcus is a real animal shapes.

Smack! Martinus gets a kiss

Marcus has been feeding


Trofors -center of the world #2-

Here we can be ourselves. Mom and Dad had certainly been more reluctant to going out when it suits us if we had lived in a larger city. We had certainly had other regular and they had been forced to be more stringent in order to protect ourselves better. We are pleased that things are as they are.

Trofors is actually a city you usually secret and everyone in Trofors know where we live. But when we are there we feel is best to be left in peace, both. We like very much to be at home, both our house and Trofors. It is not easy to keep the same traditions that we used to have, like taco night on Fridays and that we lack. Although we would never want to change if we got the chance, and it's fun to travel and see as much as we can do ... so we are very happy when we have a free weekend and just get to be at home with the whole family.

Music has always been important -

We have always sung a lot, as long as the can remember, we both enjoyed singing. We've actually always had it in us! It started when we were little. Mom and Dad used to sing to us when we were sleeping and then we found always songs about what we have done during the day. Sometimes it was a long song, sometimes a card. Now we do the same thing with Emma. it was always a simple display, type: "We went up and then ate breakfast and then we went to school ..." We sang our way through the day to an imaginary tune. It was always very cozy. When we moved to Trofors we began to sing in the choir, there are always children who watch in all directions, pick at their nose or simply can not keep up. But not us! We sang so that it echoed. And every time there was a song with something extra, a solo or something, we were always the first to want to do it. At school they said often to us to stop singing, because we still Song. But not anymore. And as soon as there was a party in the neighborhood, we wanted to like to sing for everyone. We liked the attention. It used to be children's songs or songs from our run, or sometimes short rap songs that we found ourselves. We stood on a sofa or on top of some chairs and pulled the songs we could. It was really fun. As a rule, we sang no songs that lasted more than a minute or so. It had not really worked today. Now they had enough people expected a little more from us than that. Yet perhaps those short performances are what people in Trofors mainly remembered by us as small. It was the best we knew, to sing and that someone would listen. It was the same way it started in Thailand in 2011, when we were "discovered". We stood on the stage to sing a few songs from the children's choir and subsequently the ball rolling. But more on that in the next chapter!

Did you know that ...

Marcus was the first of us who came in ishing.

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