Who is Who? - Page 21

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(pg. 18-21)

Who is who?

Our fans know who of us is who, even though it is one of the most common questions we get from journalists: "Who's Who? What are you really a difference between the two of you?" We always respond in the same way that Martinus has a mole on his upper lip and that Marcus is a little longer, and so on. But it was not quite as easy as we were small, not even our parents! the hospital we received bracelets that read "twin 1" and "twin 2". And we got to have us a good while. Birthmark on Martinus upper lip did not appear until after a few years, but Marcus had a birthmark beside the navel and the brand-made that they could separate us. But it happened a few times that they took a wrong turn on us. And for others, outside the family, it was even worse, at our nursery in Romedal where we lived, we did not have on us like clothes. Mom did not put on our shirts of the same color, because then they would not be working there to separate us. When Mom came to the kindergarten to pick us once she saw on the board where they wrote down what we have done during the day to Martinus had fallen in the woods and had a plaster. But when she came into the nursery she wondered: "I saw on the blackboard that Martinus had done badly, but why has Marcus a plastics?"

Mom says: There is little difference on your personality now compared to when you were small. You were calm and nice guys both. I can not remember that any of you got angry easier than the other, you were very similar. And besides, you do not want to sleep at night, you were the world's easiest twins! It could have been ten times worse. You were never in any floor and screaming if you do not get what you wanted. You were satisfied as soon as we put on some music. It took so little to make you happy.

Being twins

It's great to be twins. We have not tried anything else, but it is so nice to have another person you can share everything that happens around us. We understand each other and sometimes it feels like we almost know what the other is thinking. For example it has happened to one of us think of one place in a song, and the other has simultaneously begun to sing the anthem - at the same place. We are very dependent on each other, but it may not be so strange, we've done just about everything together since we were little. Ranked in the womb together, eating all meals, played ... And when we were small, we were even more attached to each other. We were always together, and so maybe it was one or a few of which were with us. We never wanted to leave each other and do different things. Also, we had our own language when we were kids! We remember nothing of it now, but Mom and Dad say that it was a baby's language that no one understood a word, but we communicated with each other through it.

 Also, we had our own language when we were kids! We remember nothing of it now, but Mom and Dad say that it was a baby's language that no one understood a word, but we communicated with each other through it

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"I actually think it is lovely to be twin. It's fun. And we sad, we can always mess with the other" -Marcus (pg. 20-21)

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