We named Marcus and Martinus Gunnarsen. We live in Trofors in Norway, has two sisters and a mother and a father. Was fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. After school, we like to play football, listen to music and being with friends. On...
Marcus could say "Bakka-Bakka-Bakka-Bakka?" and then saw-conditioned Martinus "Bakka-Bakka" before he went to get a shovel. He understood that it was what Marcus had asked for. Then we continued to play. Strange for the adults around us, but before we started talking properly, it was quite natural for us.
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Stylish style! Here Marcus about 10 months. (pg. 22)
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The first time we were apart was when Martinus was two and a half years and broke his arm. We were out playing football, he tripped and fell on the ball. His arm went straight off, it just hung. Dad went to the hospital in Elverum and where did they stayed overnight. Although he was so small Martinus remember exactly how it was in the ambulance. He sat in dad's lap and sweated to be alone with his mother, and a little away, it really was not good for him. Something was missing when Martinus was not there. The only thing we have not done together is to become sick. It has always been one of us got sick first and then have the other fallen ill soon thereafter. Whether it was chicken pox, fever or anything as always lasted infirmary at home to twice as long. Except to break his arm, it's just Martinus made it so far.
It happened that we are ivories us together, behind the curtains and play with her mom and dad. They have told us that we liked to hide behind the curtains and such. And if something disappeared at home, they learned where to look - it was so clear that we had hidden it. We had respective bumper with a gap in, and every time there was no longer a baby bottle, pacifier or another, they said always: "Check in gåbilarna! (I can't find a translation)" and where they found usually a whole bunch of stuff. We had a couple of blue tractors with trailers as well, which we liked a lot when we lived in Romedal. We drove them back and forth and dug up all of mom's flowers from the discount. Then we put the catch in the trailer and drove on!
(I added this) *Romedal is a very small place in the region of Hedmark in Norway with a population of approximately 343 people*
When we were ten months Martinus knocked down the Christmas tree on Marcus's head. Or perhaps it was the other way around? Well, that was enough. We ran around the Christmas tree, but so would anyone take a photo of us. Martinus stayed, but Marcus did not want to, but continued to run. And then fell over the christmas tree over Martinus. He did it not on purpose, and fortunately everything went well.
In Thailand, it happens that people want to take pictures of us, which means twins turn. It's fun to be stopped on the street where, for no one knows who we are. The only thing they see is a pair of twins.
Themselves think we understood not that it is somewhat difficult to see the difference between us, but there are not many who can. We switched places once in a biology lesson in the seventh, but then mouthed the others in the class. Each time the teacher could not tell the difference between us, we began to laugh, he had been our teacher for ages so we of course had to try to trick him. But the other students shouted "Marcus and Martinus has changed places!" and so we were revealed. There are several teachers and school mates who can not distinguish between us now. Especially those who attend the classes above or below us, they call us usually only "twin" or "Marcus or Martinus" in a word. Hey, we've got your own name! It's a little hard to just be called "twin" or "Gunnarsen"
But apart from that it's great to be twin. It is fun. We are always together and do things together that fit into each other or playing Fifa. We can not remember that we ever been envious against each other, why should we be? We do most thing together. It feels a bit strange if one of us is sick, and the other goes to school on their own, it's so different. But it is a good thing. It happens that we are at loggerheads, too, but not as often. We're kidding most. We never fight, more that we tease and joke, never anything serious. We're best friends too, not just brothers.
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We did everything together. That is how it is to have a twin brother who is always there. (pg. 24)
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