how to notice one

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The indigo child is here to bring us closer to our true essence. We think our minds are separate because of our bodies. These children know differently. A true indigo travels comfortably between worlds usually at night when we think they're asleep.

Our thoughts and feelings are not our own. The truth is, we have forgotten who we are and how our minds are connected to each other. Indigos remember and have an inner knowing that far exceeds our psychic abilities.

Having said this, not all children born since about 1980 are indigos. Many brought major challenges from previous lifetimes they're still working through. But once the lessons are learned and the patterns forgiven, they will join the ranks of the cosmic caring indigo.

Put simply, thousands of years ago we began to "think" instead of "feel." Our ability to tap into the collective consciousness is still within us, we’ve just forgotten how to use it. The ego became our ruler, holding us back by relying on memories to make our decisions. With past as our guide, we gave our power to the ego, which made us fearful. The intellect caused us to lose our connection to the collective consciousness, making us feel alone.

Some adults have been able to gain at least a part of this former knowing. They in turn are giving birth to children who remember how the collective consciousness works and they are using it. The indigo offspring is their descendant.

What are the behavioral patterns of Indigos?

They are born feeling and knowing they are special and should be revered.An indigo knows they belong here as they are and expect you to realize it as well.These children are more confident and have a higher sense of self-worth.Absolute authority, the kind with no choices, negotiation, or input from them does not sit well. The educational system is a good example.Some of the rules we so carefully followed as children seem silly to them and they fight them.Rigid ritualistic systems are considered archaic to an indigo child. They feel everything should be given creative thought.They are insightful and often have a better idea of method then what has been in place for years. This makes them seem like "system busters."Adults often view an indigo as anti-social unless they are with other indigos. Often they feel lost and misunderstood, which causes them to go within.The old control methods like, "Wait till your father gets home," have no affect on these children.The fulfillment of their personal needs is important to them, and they will let you know.

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