Chapter Three

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With a deep whir, the artificial lighting above lit up and basked Y/N's living quarters in a dull, yellowish-white light; waking her up with a start. With a deep, raspy groan, the h/c haired felon slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, strands of her hair falling in front of her tired eyes. The dried tears due to crying herself to sleep the night before produced an irritable, sticky feeling in the pores of her cheeks. In response, Y/N used one hand to rub her cheeks, the harsh glare of the sudden lighting hurting her e/c eyes.

After a moment of adjusting, she lifted her face from her hand and observed the room which had been too dark to look at the day before. The quarters were simple and mostly consisted of white furniture and wallpaper, much to her relief. Her queen sized bed had two pillows and a thin pearly colored sheet that was currently twisted around her legs. Along with the bed, there was a doorless bathroom to the right, an old white couch pushed against the right corner, and an island counter with a single sink.

Overall, the little room was pretty nice and quaint, especially for an inmate. Though the young woman might've changed her mind if she had actually seen the small bloodstain on the wall that had been concealed by the couch... Y/N jumped when the sudden screeching of her heavy-duty room door slid open, revealing one of her escorts from the day before.

"Inmate! Up!"

The armed male snapped strictly, his voice rising when he pronounced 'up' for more emphasis. As the h/c haired beauty hurriedly shuffled over to the guard, she couldn't help but be reminded of her current situation and the day before. The thought of what she had been told the other day made her feel as if she were ready to curl up in a ball and cry again. The navy blue jumpsuit with numbers embroidered on the chest felt comfortably snug against Y/N's slender frame as she walked meekly beside the S.H.I.E.L.D soldier, her coal black combat boots thumping softly on the concrete floor.

"... Where are you taking me?"

The young felon nervously asked, her e/c gaze set on the face of the expressionless escort. The black clad male responded curtly a moment after, staring straight ahead as he suddenly turned and herded Y/N down a larger hallway.

"Inmate cafeteria, and you do not speak unless spoken to first."

His coldness made Y/N feel small, and somewhat hurt. But what kept her emotionally grounded was the fact that she knew this was the soldier's job, and he was simply doing as he was told. When they finally reached two double doors labeled 'Station Four', the soldier moved in front of Y/N and pushed one of the doors open, motioning for her to enter. With a small nod, the h/c haired felon quietly complied and slipped past him into a rather large room, which was filled with women clad in the same getup as her.

Unsure what to do, Y/N drifted cautiously forward and looked around, meeting the dark gazes of many inmates. For that short moment, the young felon felt a stab of loneliness as she meekly averted her eyes from the cool crowd. Which was why when the h/c haired woman suddenly felt a thin hand on her shoulder, she flinched violently before spinning around. What she saw was a young lady with platinum blonde hair, brown eyes, and a small moon crescent scar tracing down the center of her full lips.

Y/N was relieved to see that the stranger inmate laughed lightly at her response rather than respond aggressively.

"Sorry, you don't strike me as a jumpy type."

The blonde joked in a surprisingly friendly fashion, doe brown eyes gleaming with gentleness as she spoke up once again.

"Hi, My name's Naomi. I was just wondering if you'd like to sit with me and a few other girls? I can also show you where the breakfast line is."

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