Chapter Four (Lemon)

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The only sound audible was the uncanny hum of the cheap artificial lighting above, it's white-yellow glare dully lighting up the ghostly white room. The sound however meant nothing to Y/N as she met the masked face of the male clad in red and blue spandex across the room, the intensity of the visual connection emitting waves of apprehension. He was taller than she thought he was, and quite... toned. His intricately designed suit was very tight against his frame, defining the details any person at ease would never notice.

Then the frozen moment abruptly broke when the slender male slowly began to move forwards and towards Y/N, the metal capping his heels and toes clicking against the paved floor. Out of natural instinct and the sense of being... hunted, the h/c haired woman began to take even slower steps back. Her heart was beating so fast that she felt as if it would burst out of her chest. The mixture of fear and dread summoned the adrenaline now powerfully pulsing through her veins.

Y/N jumped with alarm and tensity when her back suddenly collided with the metal door behind her, making her feel even more cornered.

Click... click... click...

Was the now horribly noticeable sound as Spider-Man closed in on her, his masked face hiding any emotions or expressions. Y/N felt even more like a deer in the headlights, due immense fear for her lack of knowledge, and dread for what she knew was coming. It was time for her to perform her duty and job as an inmate at Order 206. And quite frankly, the young felon hadn't thought it would be this terrifying...

Then the masked male stopped inches from her, the heat emitting from his muscular frame washing over the terrified young woman. Y/N had been expecting the scent of sweat and even blood, but she was instead greeted by the strong aroma of... tangerines? As Spider-Man stood motionless in front of her, she fought the urge to summon tears and quiver her lip. She loved the scent of oranges...

The heart wrenching thought was interrupted by the red and blue hero suddenly lifting a gloved hand towards her face. Y/N inhaled sharply and squeezed her e/c eyes shut at the feeling of the smooth spandex texture against her skin. Rather than grab her face violently like she had expected him to do, as her now deceased boyfriend had once done, Spider-Man gently arced his forefinger and thumb along the curve of her jaw just below her ear, and slowly dragged his appendages down.

At that surprisingly tender movement, Y/N opened her eyes and slightly relaxed her tensed frame. Once he slid his fingers all the way down her jaw he used his two fingers to lightly grab her chin and angle the h/c haired felon's face upwards, meeting her uneasy gaze through his mask. Y/N could practically feel his eyes meeting hers, as if staring through a transparent fabric. In that one moment, she finally relaxed completely in the hero's grasp and succumbed to the sense of submission she knew was required at this point.

In response to her evident meekness, Spider-Man released a quiet exhale and used his free hand to lift his mask slightly upwards, revealing his slightly chapped lips. He then slid his other hand from her jaw to her throat, resting the gloved appendage completely against it as he leaned closer and brushed his lips gently against the motionless female's. At the feeling of the hero's tender flesh against hers, she did was she forebodingly knew was required of her. She pressed her lips completely against his in return, earning a relaxed sigh from the wonderfully scented male.

The next few moments consisted of Spider-Man moving one spandex encased hand to her hip as they kissed, lips moving in harmonic unison. At the feeling of his hand slowly gripping her hip, Y/N shrank subtly back against the wall, now feeling a sense of familiar fear and unease. Unfortunately for the young woman, the red and blue clad hero obviously noticed. In response to her sudden hesitance, the male released a small, barely audible growl and nipped Y/N's bottom lip, causing her to gasp into him and squirm.

His hand sudden slid down from her hip and to the side of her thigh, which he lifted up and against his own hip. Y/N ignored the bolt of fear in her chest as she forced herself to go slack against Spider-Man's toned chest, his tongue exploring within her mouth. Against her will, the h/c haired beauty released a low moan at the sensation and fought the urge to squirm haughtily once again. Jesus fucking Christ, the delicious taste of his lips was so overwhelming...

The spandex covered male suddenly released a louder growl against Y/N's lips before releasing her face and sliding his hand beneath her untouched thigh, lifting her clean off the ground. The young woman felt her stomach drop and the sudden movement as Spider-Man turned around and tore towards the bed at a terrifying speed, the metal caps on his heels clicking. Their heated kiss was broken when the male threw her forcefully onto the bed, leaving the felon dazed and overwhelmed.

She watched from the mattress as Spider-Man removed the top half of his suit, revealing his deliciously toned torso. Then he was on top of her, nipping and sucking the sensitive spots on her throat as she squirmed and moaned beneath his touch. His grip and demeanor was now much more violent than before, but Y/N was too dazed and pleasured to even notice the sense of feel still canned within her chest. She was literally slave to his irresistible touch, and the wonderful tangerine scent emitting from his heated skin.

Spider-Man continued to ravage her throat as he slid his hands beneath her tank top, pausing the nips and sucks to remove it and throw it to the floor. Y/N took the short moment after to run her cool hands against his muscular chest and abs, feeling the male begin to travel down her collarbone and to her bra covered breasts, which he unclasped from the front with his teeth. Once her bra was removed and her sensitive breasts were exposed to the cool air, Y/N moved her hands down his abdomen and attempted to drag the spandex covering his lower regions down.

In response, the shirtless male released an animalistic growl and seized her hands with one of his own, lifting her arms violently above her head and holding them there. Y/N released a cry of surprise and pain, wriggling more beneath his immensely heated body. During that few moments, Spider-Man pressed kisses and nips down the valley of her breasts, his free hand gently gripping her right one and squeezing. Releasing little moans and grunts, Y/N finally went limp as she felt him graze his teeth down her stomach and to the bottom of her blue jumpsuit, which had the sleeves tied around her waist from earlier.

With sudden speed and aggression, the red and blue clad hero yanked down the garment to exposed her now completely naked form, her underwear had been pulled down along with the jumpsuit. It was in that moment he released her hands and finally removed the bottom half of his spandex suit. Y/N barely had the time to admire his frame before Spider-Man leaned over her once again, starting up their heating kissing session once again. In that passion tainted meeting of their lips, the male suddenly shoved his length completely within her without any warning of forethought.

Y/N released the loudest moan of immense pleasure yet, pain tingling up her abdomen as she strained to adjust to the superhero's length. A moment of passed of the the duo panting, Spider-Man sliding one hand beneath the small of her back and pushing her against him, her breasts crushed against his toned chest. Then he slowly began to thrust, the first one painfully long, which drastically began to increase in speed and strength afterwards.

Y/N's moans were now mixed with Spider-Man's, who had pulled her upwards into a semi-sitting position as he fucked her mercilessly, breathing heavily against each other as their lips met with less and less coordination. She dug her nails into his shoulders as she gripped him tightly, bucking her hips against his every thrust, each time hitting her g-spot. The next few seconds of immense lust and sexual desire drove the two on in their violent romp, Y/N now arching her back as she finally began to reach her awaited climax.

When hers was finally reached, Y/N harshly slammed her hips as hard she could manage into his, making the final thrust worth the pain of adjusting. Her wail echoed around the room as she finally went slack against him, feeling the pressure and heat in her abdomen flood out in one last wave of pleasure. Spider-Man followed immediately after she orgasmed, the masked male releasing a quieter, yet there nonetheless moan.

The violent romp was finally over, and Y/N's senses and common reason slowly returned to her as she lay entangled in the sheets, Spider-Man lying on her left with his strong arm around her middle. As the h/c haired beauty fell asleep, sadness and horror clenched within her chest.

She had no control... it was was terrifying, to realize that she had actively reacted against her will.

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