She's gone

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(Adeline's pov) (non edited version)
" me....please...." he cried.
"Ethan. I'm here. I'm here." I spoke softly but quickly. He was now sobbing on my shoulder.
"Ethan talk to me. What happened?" I asked him rubbing his hand and back.
"She's dead..." he cried. Who's dead? Did he kill someone? What's going on. I stood up. What the hell is happening?!
"Ethan who's dead?!" I asked seriously.
"My-My-My little sister.." He cried and he was choking on his own tears now. He was shaking terribly. My heat broke into thousands of pieces. His sister is dead. Ethan is so strong. Coming here and traveling, meeting fans when his little sister just died. I quickly leaned back down and rocked him in my arms. Not letting him go. "She's dead! She's dead! She's dead!" He screamed into my arms.
"Ethan breathe with me. Yes? I'm here. I'm here. I got you." I said running my fingers through his hair. He seemed to calm down a little bit. "Explain to me what happened?" I whispered almost, while holding him. He nodded.
"Two days ago.. My umm mom called me. Grayson was In the shower so he didn't hear anything. He still...doesn't know....She- she committed suicide. and- My little sister is gone... i couldn't believe it. I still don't!" He cried to me.
He started explaining everything to me calmly but by now he was screaming. Grayson doesn't know. I wanted to run out of the bus and hold Grayson and not let him go. I wanted to hold them both, Ethan and Grayson my heart ached for these boys.
"I ran into my room crying and Grayson asked me why I was upset and crying. I- I- I umm threw my desk lamp at him...I didn't mean to but I just lost control. I've just been angry. I should have spent more time with her- I- i should have been the older brother I was supposed to be. She's gone...." he cried even harder now. Grayson doesn't know. This is all so depressing. We sat in silence only hearing Ethan's cries. Just us two alone in the tour bus. Finally I spoke up.
"Ethan. You love her. She loves you. You meant everything to her and what happened is not your fault. I bet you were an amazing older figure for her. You need to go home and visit your family. And Grayson deserves to know. He needs to know." I told him, holding his cheeks and staring into his tear filled, red but beautiful eyes . He nodded. "Her name was remind me a lot of her. She was beautiful just like you and strong and- I just miss her." He hugged me.
Grayson doesn't know. That kept ringing in my ears. He needs to know. "Ethan..Grayson-needs to know. He's hurting and he doesn't know why." I told him.

He looked down. "Right. I know. It's just when I tell him he'll be hurting even more and-" I cut him off.
"Ethan it's his little sister too. He loved Kaylin just as much as you did. He needs to know. It's not my place to tell him. You need to..." I told him, holding him still. He nodded.
He got up and started walking off the bus. "ETHAN!" I called. He turned back around and looked at me. "Not before the show. Not in front of everyone. Tell him later. When you're at the hotel and alone." I told him. I know it's rude to keep this from Grayson any longer then Ethan already has, but Ethan can't tell him this right now. He needs to be alone with him. They both need to be with their family. Me and Ethan were just staring at each other until Grayson walked up to us. We were all standing outside of the restaurant. "Hey gray." Ethan said quietly, looking down. Grayson didn't say anything. He just hugged him. Ethan looked surprised but accepted the hug. "Love you man. Don't ignore me like that." Grayson laughed and slapped his arm. Ethan weakly smiled. Grayson doesn't know. My poor Grayson thinks his little sister is still here. My poor Grayson. My poor Grayson doesn't know.
(Ethan's pov) (a/n surprise bitches)
I can't look Grayson directly in the eyes. Because I know as soon as I do I'll cry and break down all over again. I didn't spend much time with Kaylin like I should have. We were close growing up but when I started getting followers and fans on Vine. Me and her grew apart. I only have myself to blame for that, she'd try to still talk with me and hang out with me and Gray but we pushed her to the side. We were always busy. Grayson and I were always traveling and away from home. Kaylin was strong. I never knew she was depressed.
My mom told me over the phone. How she found letters Kaylin wrote. Death letters. One for me and one for Grayson. She said when we come home we have to read them. My mom wasn't crying but she had no emotion in her voice. She sounded empty like she isn't really even here. Almost sounds fake. Like a robot or something. I remember the day I told Kaylin I was leaving for tour. She cried and told me she needed me and Gray here. I figured she just meant that she was going to miss us. I had no idea she needed help. Needed a big brother. Needed a friend. It was my fault. I didn't even know it but I was crying again.
"Ethan what's going on?" Grayson asked me.

Hey guys! This book is getting really good but sad :/ but I honestly love how the story is all coming together though. Much love ❤️ hope you all have enjoyed this book so far! Next chapter coming soon!! Xoxo

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