Darcy+Loki #1

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Not gana turn into a slash fanfic no worries! Just a comedy because of romance!
Chat of group has been going 53 days and 32 minutes
Jane-Man Darcy has been acting weird
Darcy-Have Not!
Jane-You haven't put your phone down once since our last group chat!
Darcy-I'm waiting for a text!
Loki joined
Loki-Hey Darcy
Loki left
Darcy-... That's it?
Jane that was weird..
Thor-What is wrong with my brother?
Loki joined
Loki-nothing is Wrong with me THOR!
Darcy-Hi loki!
Loki left
Tony-Darcy and Loki sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Darcy-I truthful wish that was true *sigh* wish
Bruce-God of mischief in love?
Jane-Darcy how did you know?
Darcy-He told me.
Loki joined
Loki-Darcy private chat?
Loki left
Tony-wtf Plot Twist!
Darcy-Love ya!
Darcy-umm duh!!
Darcy-Is this 4 real? Feels like a dream...
Loki-Hope it isn't!
Loki*kiss*. We should trap the others in their phone and make it so they text was they say!
Darcy-To cure your pranking block you needed love! Yay lets go!
Loki joined
Darcy-Guess who has a boyfriend
Jane-Wow with the wanted god of mischief. I'm sooo proud!
Darcy-Should be!
Loki-*magicy stuff and things*
Tony-Let me out help help!?

Omg writers BLOCK! Help!

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