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naruto pov

we left towards the leaf village with the two new members of my anbu squad, maybe this will be enough to calm the hokage down for now.

haku was walking with a white snow rabbit which he had named Kori. whom he was carrying.

i smiled gently he would go wherever zabuza would go and zabuza was going with me.

as we neared the gates i paused a moment to equip my anbu gear and mask and walked them through the front gate allowing the hidden anbu to see me and the two rouge ninjas entering and leave us be.

carefully i took hold of both their sleeves and pulled them towards the hokages office once there he grew a tick mark apparently not seeing zabuza and haku

" you!!!! i told you you weren't getting any more missions until you had someone in your anbu squad!!!! don't try and get out of this one fox! i won't allow it! you've worked yourself to the bone for the last year and I've sat by and watched, well not any more i won't so go back and see the kids and queeni or something your not getting another mission until you've got someone in your anbu squad.... go on!" the hokage started lecturing

my face slowly heated up the further his rant went luckily my fox mask hid most of it only my pink ears were visable.

i heard snickering from zabuza and i scowled playfully... suddenly the hokage coughed embarrassed as he seemed to realise there were more people in the room

eeeerrm, fox why is there a boy and a rouge ninja in my office? he asked.

i sighed and told him monotone. "they are my friends i was visiting them and it seems they are willing to join my anbu squad..."

the hokage had the decency to blush, it took a moment and he stood up walking over to the nervous pair and handed them a mask each.

haku was to be obvious rabbit and zabuza just had a plain mask with two purple lines going down the cheeks

i smiled and whispered a request into the hokage's ear and he was willing to oblige soon they both had a white konoha headband just like mine and the two uchiha lovers.

"ok fox take them to the anbu head quarters make sure to give them the seal before hand we don't need anymore danzo followers." he mumbled

i turned to leave with the others " oh and fox, tell naruto to visit sometime will you" i nodded and left

thats code for i want to talk to the real you but don't want the other anbu in the room to know you are he.

shrugging i made a stop at my apartment and gathered my seal making equipment and went to a nearby training ground to give it to them both.

zabuza pov

the kid, naru showed up around dawn at the falls and before he noticed me i attacked with my signature long sword.

his head had whipped around the caramel hair flicking around as he parried my attacks. neither of us gave up until well into the morning.

we had both sufficiently greeted each other and sending him a small nod we both stopped our attacks.

he of course felt it customary to dive bomb haku in a hug, slightly out of character in fact glancing over him i noticed that he seemed starved of human interaction, like he hadn't so much as touched or spoken to someone else for months.

his body was tensed despite in the midst of hugging someone and his eyes were a dull brown not the customary honey colour i was used to.

of course i knew he didn't actually look like that and his childish moments when he was with us betrayed his age group, that didn't mean i thought he should respect me.

if anything the little guy has all of my respect despite his secrets, age whatever.

i was cut out of my musing when naru pulled me into a hug, grinning i gave him a hug back, he seems like he needs it.

we spent the days wandering around the countryside while we could, i knew why naru wanted to meet up and i was planning on going back to the village with him.

finally his hidden sadness got too much for me to deal with and around the third day i walked him away from haku, asking him about how the year since i saw him had been.

and surprisingly he spoke not mind mumble jumble or what he use to do he spoke in words with his mouth.

and he told me about these two amazing ninjas he had on his team two uchihas that made me smile, he had people he considered special haku would be proud.

for a moment i had forgotten we were talking because of his depressed attitude and i listened smiling about his friends and him chasing down a snake.

suddenly he told me about finding the uchiha compound and i tensed pulling the crying boy into an awkward hug.

they aren't dead i told myself despite not knowing for sure, i just couldn't handle it if naru had to deal with his two teammates dying because of their race/clan.

and luckily enough they weren't although the alternative was not much better. after the boy had told his story he ran off to train with haku. an awe continued travelling.

i shook my head as i heard haku trying to explain to naru how he makes ice and if he hadn't days later managed to recreate ice himself i would have laughed at his childish wonder.

snapping out of my thoughts i followed 'fox' to a small rundown apartment which i took to be his own.

he then led us to a nearby training ground and started writing seals all over 2 small pieces of paper.

once he was done he made his way over to us and told us to stick it on our tongues we did so confused he then ordered us to run our chakra through it and then to show him.

i unravelled my bandages and stuck it on my tounge as i ran my chakra through the paper i was surprised to feel it disappear as though it wasn't there turning to naruto i opened my mouth

he tentatively smiled and nodded he did the same with haku. he then took us both by the sleeve so carefully i was worried he thought we would get angry if he didn't.

hey guys sorry it took so long i honestly thought i had published this 

and now i feel just awful, anyway sorry for the delay i have been working on fixing up mishaps in the chapters not the punctuation or anything but just mishaps so if you find any please comment on them so i can fix them up



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