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please comment on this chapter guys it was really hard to write and i need some feedback 

naruto pov

We headed off immediately to the land of iron the three new team members sparrow, inu and tenzo keeping pace with the slow jog I had.

with sora so new to the group his speed wasn't as great.

Despite the jog it was clear the other anbu were having a hard time keeping up, I kept silent though... I didn't know these people... I didn't trust these people.

I used Rama and my chakra together to get a huge sensory range and carefully led us around the ninja waiting in ambush. At one point we had to cross a lake to avoid them, these people hated the samurai and they can't see us or we would be compromised and everyone there would have to die.

It probably seemed rather strange to the non sensory types in the team . as we paused for a break sparrow was bent double his hands on his knees gasping for air he clearly had done what every other anbu did when they got into anbu- trained in jutsu nothing else perhaps strength too, everyone on my squad didn't get a choice their first priority is speed.

As he finished gasping and I finished drinking my water keeping my sensory range alert " what puff are you doing?!!!" Sparrow spat at me short of breath.

I turned disinterested eyes to him and said nothing, zabuza growled he hates it when people put me down.

I ignored his reaction until he began sending his killing intent at sparrow, my head turned sharply and I flashed in front of him my hand on his bicep, "step down swordsman" I whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

He nodded jerkily, I kept my face and body impassive and turned my caramel hair swaying behind me my honey eyes glinting in annoyance at sparrow.

sora i could tell was getting impatient his body though tired from the fast pace and was pacing like a caged tiger.

we headed off again in 10 minutes my genjutsued height not bothering me in the slightest having not removed it since itachi and shisui left.

suddenly off to my right i felt a large burst of chakra were there previously were non, a single hand seal had a clone checking it out as my unit kept moving.

it wasn't long before my clone dispelled itself and i sighed in relief the nin was taken care of and the body was sealed.

the sealing scroll on my hip was getting more and more bodies in it this trip was likely to gather the most.

my shoulders dipped the slightest bit before i raised them again another person i was solely responsible for killing. i kept avoiding the ninja as carefully as i could which meant the trip went from a few hours to around three days with only short food and water stops.

sora i could see was becoming more and more tired as he began stumbling i called a stop. "sora... are you ok?" i asked him with y old mind shadow jutsu.

his head lifted up slightly showing he was startled before he nodded to me. i could see he was tired and there was only one thing i could do for him.

walking over to him i held out my hand the fingers glowing blue and gently pressed my hand onto his shoulder top and instantly three quarters of the weight on his gravity seals were gone.

i could see his shoulders rise and his head tilt straight i drank some more water and remembering itachi and shisui i had some protein bars, it wouldn't do for me to slip back into old habits.

finishing my bar i walked over to haku or "rabbit" and gave him a soldier pill, he has less chakra than me, sora and zabuza, so he used up most of it running. he nodded gently "thank you general sensei" he said to me i sighed give a man a few name options and he'll still find another acceptable one.

walking over to the guest anbu, inu, tenzo and sparrow, i critically ran my eye over them catching the harsh breathing, the slumped shoulders and the low levels of chakra. i turned to haku " rabbit we have a bit of time right now can you pressure heal these three?"

he nodded again and walked over to the three anbu who seemed rather nervous. haku pressed several pressure points on them mostly in the back and neck and they all breathed a sigh of relief i tossed them all a soldier pill each "it would be wise for you and your team to train in speed instead of strength and justus sparrow... " i told him gently

he nodded the mask stopping me from finding out how he feels about what i said, is he angry sad what! i don't know.

"rama... what is he feeling at the moment?" i asked her

"kit, he's pretty angry but he knows your right he won't be a liability." she told me and i nodded accepting her answer.

we were almost there zabuza was getting tired but despite being weaker than shisui he could still keep up enough the others were on their last legs as the three mountains came into view

i could feel the chakra signatures there were around a hundred and not one of them are allowed to live. i hardened my face my voice became emotionless, these ninja were here to stop us from interfering with the samurai.

if even one of them got away the mission would be a failure. my eyes shut and as they snapped open i was looking straight into my teams eyes the genjutsu i was weaving was one of itachi and shisui's favorites it would keep my team from seeing what i was about to do.

the other three are there to help the hokage sent them to help me clean up, and this will most definitely be a massacre and i have no choice but to do it. i merged my chakra with mamas my eyes glowing an ominous purple my mind shadow alerting the three anbu what was ahead.

I summoned a family of foxes which is around six they were my best and i kept them surrounding my unconscious squad.

i ignored inu's widening eyes and the scared look coming from him he might not want to do this but neither did i and we still had to. summoning all of my combined chakra i shot a mass mind destroy jutsu to the enemy hopefully they will be easy pickings.

with that i shot from our cover into the masses, the three other anbu flying after me.


hi guys! another chapter done hope you like it, this i admit was not what i was guiding this mission towards but since it happened i'll keep it.

love you all comment please



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