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Shadow talking kurama talking normal talking

Naruto pov

this morning i woke sora up early again and we both tried to prank zabuza and haku awake zabuza we knew would be harder to prank now so we set up one prank trap and then hid another to which he walked into the kitchen with genjutsued long teeth that he hadn't noticed or at least hadn't until haku walked in and burst out laughing

i smiled relieved when i finished the web obstacle course sora had built yesterday after breakfast. zabuza was still trying, haku and I began sparring with haku trapping me in his ice prison and me trying to get out.

the floor was now covered mostly in ice after i burrowed through the ground and escaped the first time, he wouldn't no matter what change the weapon he uses to something more lethal than senbon so we both had figured out together how to make ice senbon to give him an unlimited supply

today was our first mission as a team and my first time ordering them around who knows how this will turn out, i gathered my team with the voice i use on the orphanage kids when i saw the hawk circling above.

"oi team get over here" and they were all their crouching like we do to danzo i sweat dropped, "hai captain" they all spoke i sighed

'' we're going for our first mission today, its likely to be an A-S level mission and i know most of you haven't gone above a B level mission so i'm going to lay the rules."

"first, no matter what. we complete the mission unless I deem necessary"... "that being said i expect you all to tell me your concerns and worries about the mission so i can make an educated decision you all hear?"

"hai" they replied

"next we all must wear our headbands at all times unless the mission deems we don't. along with this we have to be discreet ,so no villagers or civilians seeing us and limited ninja seeing us. ok?"

"hai captain"

"finally nobody calls anyone by their names its always about the mask or the weapon, zabuza not having an animal on his mask could be called swordsman and haku could be called rabbit, me on the other hand you have to call me by title when with other ninja and as most of you don't know this means calling me general or general fox." i said quietly

they all nodded affirmative i smiled "ne naru-sensei?" i heard sora and looked at him "what am i?" i grinned at him " i don't know we find out when the hokage gives you one which he will when we get there" he nodded

everyone then departed to their rooms and i just did a kawimari and swapped with a small stone i keep in the middle of my room just for this and grabbed my two scrolls with camping supplies and changed into my white long sleeve shirt to hide my scars long black anbu pants white ninja sandals a black anbu vest and my white headband and fox mask.

i waited for my team by the front door and in less than a second they were all ready and walking out of their rooms.

we headed straight for the hokages office and i pondered what it would be like to be on a mission with a different team, would i mess it up would i do something wrong?

I breathed a discreet calming breath and knelt to my hokage in the middle of the room the three members of my team behind me in a line copying me.

Jiji handed me a scroll with the mission details and I nodded jiji, sora still needs his anbu mask... he nodded slightly and took the mask out from inside a draw.

He handed it to me and I turned to my team, I looked sora dead in the eye and gestured him to stand,and took his loyalties oath

"I sora a new member and ninja of this village do so swear to protect this village and the people to the best of my ability " he vowed kneeling

i nodded and placed his mask in his hand, "welcome to the anbu coyote" I smirked and we left our feet barely brushing the rooftops as we headed to the gate.

I was reading the mission scroll as we went, another anbu squad will be coming with us a captain two anbu my team and me an Anbu general what could this mission possibly entail

As we stopped at the gate I unraveled the rest of the scroll

The following mission requires the anbu team to go to the samurai lands and the anbu general is to teach the force to the best of their ability, risks include - full scale war, jinchuriki release, mass attacks from unknown enemies of the samurai who do not wish for the samurai to learn from ninja and life imprisonment.

"S ranking huh" I muttered. I briefed my team and waited patiently for the other squad to show up when they did I was surprised to find inu the anbu who liked teasing my real self in the hokages office.

I smiled slightly behind my mask. "General fox, I am captain sparrow, this is inu and tenzo we will be accompanying you on this mission.

I nodded everyone this mission Is a high risk teaching mission, we are going to the land of iron to teach the samurai, the enemy of the samurai do not want us to do this.

If we become known by the enemy as the ninja teaching the samurai it could start a war with our village, one of the students I am teaching is rumoured to be a jinchuriki however the truth is unknown.

Expect to encounter enemy shinobi and expect to be required to kill any of whom see us.

I told them with my mind shadow jutsu. I turned to leave barely catching the disappointed sigh from zabuza and haku and the bewildered eyes of sora.

To be continued

Hey guys another chapter, the product of procrastination on my assignments XD

Hope you like it comment and vote for me will you?

Love you all



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