chapter one

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"Let me know when to pick you up," dad said and I nodded.

"Allah Hafiz*" I said and he replied with the same.

I then walked towards the huge building in front of me.

'Welcome!' A banner read at the entrance.

Students and sounds of their chattering filled the hall.

"Nawal?" I heard a feminine voice from behind me. I turned around to find Ashley, one of my close friends till grade 12, standing. Her previously long blonde hair was cut to shoulder length, other than that, she looked the same.

"Ashley!" I excitedly said and she came forward to hug me. I hugged her back.

"Where have you been?" She asked me as we broke the hug. "I texted you, called your mobile, landline - but never got a response," she added.

"I had to go to Pakistan for a year... my grandmother was very unwell," I replied.

"Oh. I hope she's fine now," she said.

"Yeah, she's better," I replied with a smile.

"I am SO excited that we're in the same university!" She enthusiastically spoke. "You know there are a few other people you know from high school here as well," she added.

"Really? Who?" I asked her, curiously.

"The Smith twins; Amanda and Miranda, Claire Williams, Jacob Conrad, Huzaifah Haroon and Blake White," she listed them, counting on her fingers. I nodded, thinking about them. I remember the last two people were among my most disliked people in school. I did not know Jacob and Claire that well but I was good friends with the twin sisters.

"Come on, you should meet them. They'd be happy to see you - especially Amanda and Miranda," she said and grabbed my hand, taking me through the crowd of people. She stopped in front of a group.

"Guys, look who's here!" She excitedly said, gaining attention of the 7 people in front of us.

They all met me nicely - except for Blake who had that fake smile on her face the whole time and Huzaifah who had an annoying smirk on his face. I couldn't get if they were actually so annoying or did they seem so to me because I disliked them - either way, I just couldn't stand them. Fortunately, a while later, those two and Jacob had gone to talk to some other people.

I continued talking to Ashley and the twins until a man named James Moore showed us around the campus and we had all our official work done.

After the orientation, Miranda suggested we go for lunch.

"There's a newly opened cafeteria down the street. I heard they make some good burgers. How about we go and have lunch together?" She said and everyone agreed - but I had to be at work.

"I'll pass. I'll definitely catch up next time," I said.

"Nawal, the lunch is for you," Miranda spoke in a complaining tone. "We're seeing you after one whole year!"

"I'm so sorry, Mira, but I have to pick my brother up from school and then go to work," I replied to her and she nodded understanding.

"Fine, give me your number," she said, typing something on her phone. She gave me the mobile with the keypad open and I saved my number in it.

She gave me a missed call so I too had her number. Ashley too asked for my number and I saved it in her phone too.

"Bye, guys. It was very nice meeting you after so long," I added.

"It was amazing meeting you too," Amanda replied.

We said our byes and I left the place. I called dad and told him to pick me up.


Dad dropped me home and I went to my room and freshened up. I went back downstairs and straight to the kitchen. I made some boxed mac & cheese for lunch. I'm not a huge fan of this stuff but Nabeel loves it and it gets prepared in minutes. By the time the meal was ready, it was time to pick Nabeel from school. His school was very near from our place and it took a 10-minute walk to reach there. It seemed like it would rain so I picked up an umbrella and left home.

As expected, it started to rain on my way to the school. Nabeel ran towards me as soon as he saw me.

"Hi!" He said as he jumped on a little puddle of rainwater.

"Nabeel!" I called his name in a complaining tone.

"Sowwiie!" He replied making me smile.

"It's okay," I replied. "How was your day?" I asked, ruffling his hair and he started telling me everything he did all day.

Once we reached home, I made him wash his hands, feet and face and then set the table.

"Mac & cheeese!" He happily cheered.

We ate our lunch and then watched the TV for some time. A couple of hours later, mom came back from work.

"Assalam o Alaikum** mom." We greeted her.

"Walaikum Assalam** kids. How was your first day at school, and how was your orientation?" She asked us.

"It was nice," I honestly replied while Nabeel excitedly started told her too all he did today.


The first chapter is here! This was a short one though, basically for the introduction of the characters.

This story is in English but the main leads of this story are of Pakistani background so from time to time, Pakistani or Islamic terminologies will be used in this story but I will be sure to provide you with their meanings. If you still have questions, feel free to ask via comments :)


*Allah Hafiz is a parting greeting which literally translates to 'may God be your Guardian'.

**Assalam o Alaikum is a greeting. Its use is similar to that of 'hi' or 'hello'. Its translation is 'peace be upon you' and Walaikum Assalam is its reply which means 'peace be upon you too'.

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