chapter three

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"Wow, what a party that was!" Jacob said as he threw a can of Pepsi towards me that I caught. Jacob plopped himself onto the poolside chair. I looked at him, annoyed.

We had left the party early and were currently at Jacob's place.

"You remember? We used to talk in high school about how there's no girl that isn't interested in you... we just found her," Jacob said with a laugh. "Man, I should have recorded that!" He added, and continued to laugh. He was currently annoying me more than that nerd did back at the party.

"Will you shut up?" I told him.

"What does she think of herself?" I mumbled.

"Not my type, but she's something," Jacob replied.

"She's nothing!" I said in a raised voice. "She's just an attention seeker who thinks she'll get more attention from me if she acts this way," I added. I was really angry.

"Which she seems to be getting," Jacob retorted. He was making me angrier.

"Dude, she wouldn't talk to you even if you tried to and you know that," he said.

"Don't challenge me," I told him before taking a sip of my Pepsi.

"Too late, I already did," he quickly said.

I thought about it... it actually wasn't a bad idea.

"What do I win when I complete the challenge?" I asked him. I just know I'm gonna be successful.

"Hmmm," he thought for a while before finally replying. "My Kareem Abdul-Jabbar signed basketball," he said and I almost jumped up.

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

"Don't get over excited. I just know you're gonna lose this challenge," he replied and I smirked.

"Keep the basketball ready," I told him before getting up and he let out a laugh.

"I'm off now. See you tomorrow," I said and walked out of the house.

I got in my car and headed home.

It was about 12 midnight and I knew I was going to get a lecture from Dad when I get home. I wish I could just move out but Mom Dad don't want me to.

I reached home and got inside. Dad was sitting in the living room watching a football game. He had his back facing me so I decided to quietly head up to my room without him seeing me.

I had almost reached the staircase when he called me.

"Huzaifah," I stopped in my tracks and went to the living room. "Do you realize what time is it?" He asked and I saw the time on my phone.

"It's 12:09," I replied.

He just stared at me before turning the television off and walking away to his room. Well, that was unusual.

I got up to my room and dropped myself on to the bed.

I woke up to my alarm blasting right into my ear because I left my phone next to my head last night.

I got ready for university and headed downstairs. I was about to open the front door when Mom called me.

"Huzi, have breakfast, beta*" she told him.

"I'm running a little late, Mom. I'll have something later," I told her and she nodded. I had decided to talk to Nawal before classes today.

I got in my car and drove to university.

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