Chapter 1

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"Is that car following me?" I thought. To see whether they were or weren't, I turned down a random side road.

"Good" I thought as I watched them keep driving. I know this part of Roseville like the back of my hand. After all, I have lived here almost my entire life. Besides, no one comes down this road anymore. It only leads to and abandoned scary amusement park. I never went when it was I'm business. Since its abandoned, I decided to take a look around.

When all of a sudden, I heard a car coming up the drive. I didn't have time to male it to my car, so the only option now was to hide. A guy about my age stepped out of the car . I had to admit he was really cute. He had brown hair and broad shoulders. His shirt was taught across his chest.

He walked up to my car , I guess to see if I was in there. When he noticed I wasn't, he started heading inside the amusement park, and towards where I was hiding behind some decorations. I could only guess he was gonna attack me when he found me. The only thing I could do was ambush him before he got to me.

As he walked past, I punched him in the face. I tried to get another hit in when he caught my hand. As I was taught, I kicked his knee hard with my foot. I took my forearm and shoved it hard against his neck and pushes him up against a wall. We were so close together I could see he had the most amazing emerald green eyes. I softly shook my head to clear my thoughts and focused on my attacker. I whispered, "Who are you?"

"You're good." he replied. "But not as good as I am."

He then took my arm from his neck, and quickly twisted it behind my back. I knew how to get out of this move, so I spun hard to release my arm from his grip. I tried to get in a few strikes, which he blocked each and every one of them, before he raised his hands in surrender.

"Why is he surrendering?" I wandered.

"You're in," he simply stated

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