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Barney walked quickly through the halls of the large post office. He stopped at a door marked, MANAGER: DAN DUBINSKY. Barney knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. A small man opened the door and grimaced.

"What do you want?" he said. 

"Sorry if I was interrupting anything, I'm your 9:00 appointment." Barney smiled at the man. He looked funny. "I'm here for the job interview Mr. Dub-in-sky." Dan grimaced again.

"It's pronounced, DO-BIN-SKEE." Barney tilted his head.

"Well, it's not spelled that way," Barney said. Dan stalked back to his desk.

"9:00, 9:00, Ah, here it is. You're, um, Smarty the Fail No More?" Dan said as he shuffled through papers. "It says here on your resume that you have award winning looks, I don't see them." Dan leaned on his desk, tapping the surface with his fingers.

"It's Barney the Dinosaur. My looks are right here!" Barney pointed to his face. Dan stepped away from him. 

"Okay, so, you want the delivery man job? Dan asked. He pulled out papers from his desk, looking them over and signing things.

"Yes, sir! I can read, dance, sing, and smile!" Barney said. Dan nodded and signed some more papers.

"Well, I need to know how good your navigation and speed skills are. To know that, I'm sending you on a practice delivery. You are going to deliver an empty box to our town's basketball team.  The box you're delivering is marked, CLEATS. Our fake scenario is, the team's star player's cleats don't fit him any more. He needs new one's for the big game tonight. You will deliver them," Dan said.

"Oh no! The star player won't be able to play without cleats!" Barney panicked.  Dan rolled his eyes.

"Barney, it's fake. Now, get going!"Dan pushed Barney out the door. "The team needs you!" Dan yelled. Barney marched down the halls, determined to deliver.

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