Chapter 2

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I sit on my bed as I wonder, did I make the right choice? I decided not to tell Malcolm my true feelings, instead, I just told him that I'm really uptight about this math test I have coming up. He believed me, thankfully.

The next day at school was hard. All recess I just followed Malcolm and Niki around as they held hands and made out, I can't even describe how uncomfortable I was. So at lunch I decided to go see Stevie, He helped me study. Even though he takes quite awhile to explain things, he really helped me out.
After school Malcolm was making out with Niki, AGAIN! So I walked home myself. Halfway home I decided I wanted some alone time, so I stopped at the park and sat on a bench near a small lake, it's where I go when I feel down about stuff. 1 flaw in the though was Malcolm knew I liked to go to the park as well.
"I went to your house but you weren't there. You've been ignoring me all day! If you don't want to be friends anymore, just say it!" Malcolm looks sad and angry. I start to cry.
"I'm sorry" he says softly as he sits on the park bench next to me. He puts his arm around me. "I just want to know what's going on. Please just tell me, tell the truth."
I have to tell him, it's the right thing to do.
"Malcolm, This is hard to say, but it needs to come out into the open" I sob as I turn and face him. I wipe away my tears and attempt to stop crying. I look deep into his beautiful blue eyes and start talking, " I don't want to be your friend anymore."
Malcolm looks heart broken, "what? Why?"
"Let me finish. I still want to be something too you, but not friends." I take a deep breath in and say "I like you." I can't believe I just said that. Oh I hope this doesn't end badly.
Malcolm looks confused, "wait what? I don't understand?"
"Your a genius Malcolm, can't you figure this out? Your a boy, I'm a girl. How can it stay just friends for this long?"
Malcolm looks down at the ground, looking stunned. Is that good or bad? I think bad.
"Wait." Malcolm quickly looks me in the face. "You like me!? But where best friends!" Malcolm exclaims.
"I know! I'm sorry!" I sob. "But I can't help the way I feel! I don't want to ruin our friendship OR your relationship with Niki." I continue to cry, wishing I had never opened my mouth in the first place.
Malcolm looks so uncomfortable. I can't believe I did this. I ruined everything.
"Listen." Malcolm says as he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Don't feel bad. I'll always be your friend, no matter what. I'm sure that your feelings are just a phase." Malcolm says reassuring me.
*Malcolm's thoughts* I hope it's just a phase. But what if it's not? But look at her. She's smart, funny, kind, and really, she is cute. But I'm with Niki. Me and Carly at just friends. BEST friends. I can't think this way about her.*
"Come on." Malcolm says, "wipe away those tears and let's go to the arcade. Ok? Let's just forget about this. I'm willing to if you are?"
I nod as I wipe away my tears, "ok," I say say softly.
Ok, that wasn't too bad. Yeah he turned me down, but I didn't expect him to like me too. He's willing to forget this conversation ever happened, I'm fine with that. But will my feelings go away? Or will I stay like this forever?

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