Chapter 3

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Well, we got to the arcade and it was closed. Just our luck. So we went home to do some homework, (fun, I know right?)
About an hour into doing my homework, I hear yelling at Malcolm's house next door.
"What have they done now?" I say to myself.
I walk out into the lounge room and look out the window. I see Malcolm march outside and the door swing shut with a thud behind him. He looks pretty pissed off. He stands at the door for a few seconds and then walks off down the side walk, away from both mine and his house. I race to my room and rummage through my messy closet to find some shoes. I finally find some sneakers to chuck on, but by the time I got outside, Malcolm was no where to be seen.
I walk to his front door and knock. No answer. "Hello?!?" I call out. "HELLO?!?" I scream out loudly as I pound on the door with my fist. Still no answer.
I walk around to the side doors of the house and let myself in.
"Hello? Anyone there?" I say as I sneak into the kitchen looking around. All of a sudden Reese pops up out of nowhere. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Oh for gods sakes Reese! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I say angrily. "What's happened? I heard yelling and saw Malcolm run off. Is everything ok?" I ask him.
"It was hilarious! Dad just went crazy and threw Malcolm out! And...."
"Reese! Get back in your room with Dewy! I am at ZERO TOLERANCE WITH YOU BOYS! ZERO TOLERANCE!" Hal blurts out. Reese rolls his eyes and sluggishly moseys back to his room, slamming the door behind him.
"Hal? What's going on?" I ask politely.
"I am at ZERO TOLERANCE!" Hal shouts as he storms off to his room. "I think he has finally lost it." I say quietly to myself. Then I hear Hal yell again "ZERO TOLERANCE! ZERO!"
Yep. He's lost it.

I'm back in my room doing homework. Yeah, I care about Malcolm, but he's smart, he'll work it out. Besides, he's probably at Niki's place. I'm sure he'll tell me what happened, when he's back.

The next morning, it's Saturday so I slept in til 11:30AM, I wake up to a loud speaker. I get up and gawk out the window. It's Hal, driving around in his car with a speaker calling out to Malcolm. So he still not back yet obviously. I hope he's alright. Who am I kidding, he's fine! He'll just be making out with Niki or something.

Later that evening, I hear Hal's car pull up. I see him and Malcolm come out of the car. "Oh good, he's ok." I say to myself relieved.
I gave them half an hour before I went over to see him. I helped myself in and walked past Dewy in the kitchen. "Is Malcolm in his room?" I ask.
"Yep" Dewy replies as he walks back to the couch with an armful of food.
I just open the door and walk in. Hey, I've walked in and seen him in his undies before, so i can't walk in on anything too traumatising.
Malcolm's lying on his bed, looking miserable.
"Hey." I say as I lie down on the bed next to him.
"Hey." He replied. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen him so sad.
"What's up? What happens yesterday?"
"Me and Dad just had a fight. He kicked me out. I stayed at Niki's and..." he takes a deep breath out " she broke up with me."
At first I felt happy about him and Niki breaking up. But I hate to see him like this.
"Oh Malcolm I'm sorry." I say as I rub his shoulder.
"I really thought she liked me. She thinks I'm too self centred." He says with a pout on his face.
That's kinda true, but I don't wanna kick him while he's down.
"I don't know what to say Malcolm. How can I make you feel better?"
Malcolm looks at me with his big blue, sad eyes.
"Reverse time back to when she liked me." He cries and rolls over and hugs me. I hug back.
"Your the genius here. Can't you work something out?" I laugh. He laughs a little too. He sits up and I follow. He just sits there and stares at me for a minute or two. Either that or he's just staring past me.
"What?" I ask eventually.
"Why did I ever like her?"
I just sit and listen. I don't know what to say.
"She's nothing compared to someone else I know."
"Who's that?" Who's he talking about.
"Just some girl. I never saw her like this before. I don't know why though. She cute, smart, funny. And she's always there for me."
I don't want to get my hopes up, but his he talking about me?
Malcolm moves and sits a little closer to me, I do the same.
"Why do I go after all these other girls? This one girl....She's well...perfect. I just need to be careful I don't stuff it up."
"Stuff what up?" I ask
"Our friendship. You. Your perfect. How have I never seen this before?" Malcolm says, looking deep into my eyes with he's beautiful blue eyes.
"I want you." He says leaning into me.
I don't know what to do so I just copy.
"I want you too." I say leaning into him. We are about 5 centimetres away from each other's lips. We're both looking into each other's eyes.
Malcolm puts is hands on my shoulders and pulls me in for a kiss. I don't hesitate.
Omg. I'm, I'm kissing Malcolm! Omg!  I can't believe it! I, me! Carly! I am making out with Malcolm. This is like a dream come true!
"OMG! What are you doing!?!" A voice calls out from the door.

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