Together Mia and I wrote 12,916 words, 56,161 characters (no spaces), 802 sentences, an average word length of 4.3, and 648 paragraphs. In this book there are 16,939 syllables. We wrote at a 11-12th grade reading level. It would take 46 mins 58 secs on average to read, 1hr 12 mins to speak, and 16hrs 50mins to hand write this. Thankfully we have computers!
The longest sentence was 7,246 words! Try to find it I dare you! Our shortest was one word.
Our most used words (not including word like "the" or "a") were "Mitch" at 132 times, "Jerome" at 117, and "Ty" at 61.
Our top three duo of words are "each other" at 12 times, "walked over" at 9, and "win all" at 8.
Finally our top three trio of words are: "looked at each other" and "je vous remercie" tie at four times, "noteblock choirs playing", "ce qui ne", "qui ne va", "ne va pas", "win al da-", "all da-ay", "wanna win all", and "gaze boundless skyline" tie at 3.
Thank you Word Counter for helping get this info.

Beauty and the Beast {Merome AU}
FanfictionJerome Aceti has been cursed all he needs is one awesome person to love him.