How to stop nail biting 10-15

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Nail biting is a very common habit. I do have the habit of nail biting as well but I have recent stopped. These hacks don't work instantly but will gradually sell over time. For me it took 2 months but it's different for everyone.

#11 : Put on false nails.
They will make your nails look prettier and they are way harder to bite. By wearing fake nails it gives your nails the chance to grow and you will be instantly use to having long nails so when you take them off you are less likely to bite them.

#12 : Nail art.
Fake nails may not be the thing for you so instead have nail art on your nails. You won't want to ruin the art of your nails so you are less likely to bite them. However if you want something less "out there" paint your nails a similar colour to what they already are, this won't work as well but it will make your nails look nicer and give a similar effect.

#13 : Apply growth treatment.
My personal favorite is "Sally Hansen maximum growth. It makes my nails look healthier and the result is amazing. After a week of applying this every other day,  my nails looked so much healthier and they had grew much more.

#14 : Apply "stop bite" or a bad smelling treatment.
You can get these from a local chemist. By applying one coat, you are less likely to bite your nails as they smell bad or taste bad. Or you could get your least favorite smell (e.g. coffee) and mix with petroleum jelly and apply on your nails (or just by itself.)

#15 : Get your friends involved.
If your friends also bite their nails, have a competition! See who's nails are longer at the end of the week. Or tell your friends that everytime they see you biting your nails do something (e.g. shout a codename or get them to shake you.)

Song - I don't love you (I'm just lonely) - Junge Junge

Qotd- Do you bite your nails?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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