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Alexander POV

I don't really understand what happened. One day me and Luciana were confessing our love for each other, the next I receive a note that breaks my heart to read.

Dear Alexander,

am afraid that I have realized that we cannot be together. But I cannot bare to see you so I have left and may never return. Please do not search for me.

                                 Take care,


Except I know she's lying we have bonded. The bond that only forms when its truly true love. It lets us sense if we our close by, our feelings, and I can feel she loves me so why would she leave? So I will make it my life mission to find her.

Luciana POV

With the few hours of sleep I start packing to leave this motel and keep heading north. I'm looking for her, so she can break the spell. I'm heading down the hallways which were painted nasty mustard yellow headed towards the elevator, when I start to get this tingly feeling that made me feel like I would never be alone. I haven't felt like this in a long time, and when the elevator doors opened there he was. " I Told you Luciana I would find you". He said with a smirk on his face.

I'm frozen to my spot just shocked that he got here to early. He looks exactly like I remember his long black hair, sea blue eyes (the kind that are just blue no other color) a firm strong stubborn jaw. Except his eyes look sleepless and he feels overwhelmed.

Alexander POV

She just stands there in Shock her hazel eyes are more of a green today, her blond locks are tangled and all over the place. She looks like she hasn't slept and she smells like she hasn't taken a shower in days. But she's beautiful none the less. Before she says anything I push her against the wall kissing her with everything I've been feeling these past weeks. To my surprise she moans in the back of her throat. Pushing her more she lifts her legs and I'm holding on to her. She starts to pull at my hair and deepens the kiss. She's giving off allot of heat she is starting to burn. I quickly set her down and check her forehead. " I think you have a fever, a really bad one" as quickly as the words escaped my mouth she escaped me.

Luciana POV

He smelled like lavender he always smell like lavender. I remember the first time we met I was walking around green lakes park seeing how many times I could run around pond before I got too tired. Something sparkly caught my eye, and I ran smack into him he was so tall that I hit his chest I fell backwards. I was blabbing apologies. He helped me up "don't worry no harm done", he took my hand and took it to his lips leaving my hand warm and tingly where he kissed it. We were so close that I could smell lavender on him. "Are you wearing girl perfume"? Chuckling he adds "nope  that's my natural scent, sorry to disappoint". I love his laugh. I spent the rest of the afternoon pestering him but he still never left my side. He walked me home and gave me a peck on the cheek. promising he would return tomorrow. I saw him first thing in the morning.

I love his laugh his full blown smile I hate to see him heart broken. So it killed me when I ran away fearing I'd hurt him. Dashing down the stairs I thought I had the advantage but he soon caught up to me. " Why are you running from me whatever is going on we can go through together". He was pining me against the wall hands above my head I tried wiggling out of his grip but he didn't budge "let me go I don't want you here!" The look of pain crossed his face I wanted to comfort him but I couldn't give in. The look quickly vanished. "Liar" I couldn't move my arms but I could move my neck just enough to kiss him.

He moaned into my mouth and kissed me back so passionately that my knees went week,  so glad he was carrying me or my feet would have had away. He loosened his grip just when I started to give off heat, I managed to bite his lip HARD and run away.

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