Chapter 8

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A couple of months have passed.
Four, to be exact.

We are still together.

To be fair, I don't know. I mean, I like him. Heck, I love him...I really do. Everything about him. At least I think I do. Sometimes he just annoys me so much, I just want to walk up to him and say: go f*ck yourself!

Why do I like him?
He is so rude sometimes!
I hate that!
I don't deserve this kind of treatment. He acts like he doesn't like me. Like, at all.

I know he doesn't. He surely has tons and tons of girls.
He surely is one of those players that every girl looks and instantly falls for him.

I'm full of him.
But then I talk to him. And I hear his voice...and suddenly all of my hate goes away.

Anyways, my problems started today. I mean, they where never over, but It has gotten worse. Let me enlighten you.

I have been playing league of legends recently ( yeah, I know! I have cancer.) and my best friend had some fights at home so she couldn't play with me. Wait, no! Let's go back!

When I first started league of legends, my current boyfriend had told me that I should play. I soon discovered that my best friend played too. I was so happy! I could play with my best friend and my boyfriend at the same time!
I was an idiot.
I should've never mixed them.
I knew how it was. I had a bestie, and our relationship was over in 2014, when I started dating the guy that my bestie liked. Our relationship ended when I mixed them. When I started talking to the two of them at the same time on skype.
And know I mixed again.

Anyways, what happened when I mixed them?

Well, obviously, she knew how to play. She had been playing league since September. It was February.
So my boyfriend started saying things like: " Wow, your best friend plays really well!" And  " dude, she's the best! "
And I was stupid. So I added him to our little chat on skype (mine and my bestie's) and they talked...
And they played...
I was jealous because he was talking to her like...I don't know...they were best friends.

I know I shouldn't be jealous. It's my best friend!

One day, we where playing. He was my ADC, I was his support. She was jungle.
If you know anything about league, you know that a support doesn't do much damage. So it's hard to keep a lane by yourself. So, he left the lane and he and my bestie where killing everyone. Then he got mad at me because I was feeding.
I wanted to scream at him so bad.

However, I kept quiet.
We where loosing. Suddenly, they came help me, and killed the adversaries. And they told me to protect the Nexus. It was obvious I couldn't protect the Nexus! The big minions were really difficult to kill. So we lost.
And he was all like: " urg, you don't know how to play" "urg, if you don't know how to play then don't"

I wanted to scream again.
And again, I kept quiet.
After some time in silence, he spoke.
- Yo! I have a box! I'm gonna open it! Wish me good luck, Wendy! ( Wendy is my best friend)

- Good luck Carlos!

- I love you so much Wendy!!

My heart stopped.
I stared at my iPad in silence.
Did he just say he loved her?
That he loved Wendy??

- Yeah, yeah, I love you too.

I didn't know what to say. My heart sank on my chest. Breath was caught on my lungs. I couldn't move or breath.

They continued chatting. Their voices sounded like I was under water. I was in shock.

- Babe? You ok?- I heard him say.

- Who, me?- I answered with my voice shaking a bit. I cleared my voice.

- Yeah, you. -I couldn't hear Wendy. Maybe she had to go do something.

- I'm fine.

- Really?

- Yes.

- You don't look fine.

- I am. I'm just concentrating on my drawing.

- I'm back guys! - Wendy said with excitement. I couldn't take it anymore.

- Yeah, uhm I have to go, bye.

- Bye lov- I hung up before he could finish.

I felt really bad.
I was jealous.
I can't be jealous of my best friend!
I love her! I can't lose her for this.

Every time I played with them, things where like this. And today was the day that my best friend could play again.

I was excited because she was my support and I missed playing with her. Not that DarknessXF wasn't a good support, I liked playing with him, but playing with my bestie was different.

But then...Carlos came along...

And it ruined everything.
I was going to be ADC and she was Supp. But then, in the middle of the game....she left me.

- Wendy, come with me- he said.

- I will - she said following him.

I can't believe it.
She left me alone. She did the same thing that he used to do.
She was talking to him. He was talking to her. They where laughing and killing.

Why was I feeling like that?
It's so bad.
I hate myself for feeling like this. I really do.

Every time he would talk, he would say " Wendy" so he had stopped talking to me, and started talking to her only.
Then, we started another game.
I got disconnected.
When I was connecting again...this happened:

- Wendy, you sure are taking some time shopping!

- And what? I need time to buy items!

- Yeah, yeah, sorry princess.

I love you?
My cute support?
My Wendy?

Tell me, if you where in my position, how would you react? How would you feel?

Well, I sure feel horribly bad and sad. Bad because he looks like he wants to be with her.
Sad because I'm jealous, and I don't want to ruin my relationship between my bestie and me.

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