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Smokescreens's p.o.v

"Hey Ratchet......I have a question." Ratchet turned to me from his work. He muttered something and glared at me, hands on his hips like a femme.

"What is it? If it's about human culture go ask Raf, he knows more." Ratchet sighed as I shook my head. "Then what is it? Is it something private you want to talk about with me in the med bay?" He asked pinching the bridge of his imaginary nose. I nodded he sighed and he led the way to the med bay. "So what was the question?" He asked and I sighed.

"I think....I'm in...l-love with uh....with Bumblebee." I stuttered and he stared at me with wide eyes then he smirked and chuckled. "What's so funny?" I asked. "This is serious." He stopped and smiled at me.

"Bout time you spit it out to someone." I looked at him with a smile. "Listen, Bumblebee has never and I mean never dated a spark. He hasn't had his seal broken." He told me and I looked at him with optics wide.

"WH-!" I was screaming until Ratchet covered my mouth. "Shut you're trap, you don't want other bots to hear you!" He grouched. I nodded.

"So, I don't know if he likes me. I really do love him though. Like a lot." I fidgeted with my digits and he nodded. He put a servo on my shoulder plating making me stand up straight and meet his optics.

"Smokescreen, you know Bumblebee. If I didn't know any better. I think Bumblebee likes you too." He smiled with a wink and I blushed.

"He does?" I asked and Ratchet smiled patting me on the back. I stopped then looked at him. "How do would I kiss him?" I asked. He looked down then to me.

"All you have to do is remove his face guard." He nodded to me I nodded back.

"Thanks Ratchet."


I ran to the top of base where Bumblebee was at. He was watching the sun go down. I looked at him and I saw how the sunset made his paint job go bright. I smiled, walking up behind him I tapped him. He aimed his weapon at me then saw it was me and put it back.

"Hey Smokey." He smiled up at me the best he could I smiled back and sat down dangling my legs off the cliff with him, I saw as he looked back to the sunset. It was slowly going down. The dark was rising behind us.

"So, I was you like me like me?" I looked at him he was looking at me, his wings pointed completely upwards. He put his wings down then fiddled with his digits in a nervous reaction. I smirked.

"I......ya." He answered I smirked at that then clicked his face guard off and set it beside him, he watched me then when I put my servo on the side of his face plates and brought him in a kiss. He instantly went into it and he laid back so I was atop of him. It turned into a long deep kiss. We both let go to get some vents in. I looked him in the optics as he did me. I smiled at him as he did me. I saw his scar but I didn't care. I love this bot.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

"Bee, do you want to go further with this?" I heard Smokescreen ask whilst atop of me and I looked at him as he gave me the serious look. "I understand if yo-." I cut him off.

"I would love to go further." I answered and he smiled real big. Then kissed me again. I felt as he grind against my pelvic plating. I groaned then felt his hand go threw my seams of wiring.

He let go as soon as I felt moved due to my wires hurting because it wasn't a good one. I saw he was worried since I was venting fastly. I looked to see the wire was torn. "Battle?" He asked, I only nodded. "We can see Ratchet real quick. Besides, we should prolly get a room. In fact, my room." He suggested, I nodded then he got off me then helped me up. We both walked to the med bay. Ratchet looked at us then stopped his work immediately.

     "Is something wrong? Did you already overheat him?" Ratchet growled at Smokescreen and I beeped confused. Ratchet looked at me then saw the wire. "What did you do there?" Ratchet pointed to my broken wire.

     "During battle." I buzzed. He looked at me then nodded. "Fast and easy fix?" Ratchet looked at me then nodded. I sighed.

     After he fixed my wire he looked at Smokescreen then me. "Ok, one thing." Ratchet clasped his servos together. "Bumblebee and Smokescreen, would you both be ready for a....sparkling?" He asked and I looked at Smokescreen who looked at me. "Of not I do have protection." Ratchet suggested.

     "Ratchet, if Bee was to be with spark. Then, would that mean he couldn't go into at least a few more battles?" Smoky asked my question for me. He looked at me then shook his head. "It would take a while for us to find out if he truly did get sparked." Smoky looked at me then WheelJack walked in, everyone else had to go to the governments base until tomorrow morning.

     "So, Smoky finally spit it out." WheelJack smirked and I nodded. WheelJack came up behind me then whispered "Listen, if he touched you in a way I know he shouldn't like a way you don't like, inform me." I nodded and he smiled then walked by Ratchet and stopped by his side.

     "Ok, protection Ratch." Smoky peeped out. Then, looked at Ratchet and he nodded. Smokescreen smiled at me then led me to his room looking back to WheelJack and Ratchet who nodded to me I nodded back then kept walking.

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