16. Don't Talk About Her

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Jobe's POV:

"Wait, who's the girl again? Jolie, right?" Andy and I were throwing the football around in my backyard, enjoying the sun that decided to peak out today. It's been a while since I've talked to him, so I had to catch him up on the latest news, including the transplant.

Andy huffed and puffed as he threw the ball to me, his out of shape body cling to his striped shirt, and his frizzy hair in loops around his head, making me wonder when was the last time he took a shower. Then again, I rarely saw him without his cowboy hat.

"Jolie Drake, I already told you. The girl who told Lisa off...the one you tried to flirt with."

"Oh yeah. That was funny, man. She's so hot; you'd never guess she was sick." Usually, I didn't mind him calling girls hot, sometimes I'd even agree, but this time the conversation was different. I hated hearing him say things like that about her. It made me want to pop a hole into the football. Getting to know Jolie made me, in a way, protective over her. She was a great girl and didn't deserve to be treated any other way than, well, great.

"She is very sick, and truth is, I'm not bothering to fight with my father on this issue anymore. I'm going to go through with the surgery for her with no complaints."

I caught the overthrown ball with the extension of my right hand, careful not to let it hit my window. I twist the ball with both hands before aligning my fingers onto the ball and throwing it back to Andy. The ball slipped right between his hands, landing on his gut. It hit him so hard, it could have sent him into next week.

"I'm okay!" He gave a thumbs up.

"You sure?" I held my hand on my forehead, hiding the sun as I checked to make sure he was alright.

"I'm fine, but I don't think you are. Did you seriously say you're going through with surgery for that charity case? Since when are you so weak? I'd never give my kidneys to anyone, not even the hot ones."

I wish I would have hit him harder with the football. What I did or did not do was none of his business. He had no right to call me 'weak', or to say I was giving my kidney out of charity.

"Do not talk about her like that." My words were explicit with purpose, but I mamaged to maintain control.

"Do you like her or something, dude? Why are you so touchy about this?" He asked.

"Look, let's just play ball." I attempted to avert the subject, but Andy continued on.

"If you like her, all you have to do is say so." He rolled his eyes before throwing the ball my way.

I carefully examined his face, that crooked smile I'd love to smash in with this ball. But I held back, holding the balk firmly in my hand.

"I'm saying so now. I like her...as a friend. So lay off."

I had no idea if he'd believe me, but it was worth a shot.

As soon as I retrieved the ball once more, I tossed it on the ground and ushered Andy to follow me into the house for a water break.

I wiped my face with the outside of my grey, sleeveless shirt before throwing the shirt off.

I stuck my face into the inside of my fridge, enjoying the coolness while I looked for water bottles. Our housekeeper had recently gone shopping and wasn't back yet, so the fridge was pretty empty.

I decided to stick with tap water, purposely avoiding asking Andy if he wanted anything. He had gotten on my nerves with his pounding questions outside, and as far as I'm concerned, he can stay parched.

"If you're sure about Jolie only being a friend, I wouldn't mind getting with her. Maybe you can hook a friend up."

I spit up the water I had just drank, placing the half-empty glass on the marble counter with a thud.

Not only would I not put in a good word, but I'd put in a bad one if necessary. Yes, he was my friend, and that's precisely why I would never hook him up with Jolie. He's only looking for sex, and Jolie, with as much as I know her, was the complete opposite.

"I don't know." I rubbed the side of my neck until it was raw enough to bleed.

"Come on, you know I'd do it for you. I helped you meet Lisa." That is true. Even though I think he would be terrible for Jolie, having him date her would take my mind off of her. Dang, why am I so confused on what to do?

"I don't know, we will see."

Andy leaned over the counter, praying with his hands.

"Please, just ask if she's interested. You don't have to be pushy, just ask." She's going to say no; she'd never fall for his horny ways, right?

"I'll think about it. Look, you should probably head on out because I'm about to go out for the night." I told him.

"Alone?" I was lying through my teeth; I wasn't going anywhere, but I did want to be alone. I was going to ease the tension with a little Corona and some heavy music while working on my current project. I had been busy the past few weeks building a set of water skis for a camp not too far from the house. The camp was a summer spot that I've spent many nights out fishing, etcetera, and I haven't gone there yet this summer. I wanted to finish recreating the water skis that Andy had borrowed and rudely broken last year by acting like an idiot. I loved building things by hand, so this was the perfect project, especially now that it was almost complete after many headaches. I find it looks better than my original skis, but it's hard to tell when I haven't gotten any opinions. I hadn't bothered showing anyone my talent, not even Andy. Building and crafting was a secret talent I had longed kept to myself for fear of mockery.

"Yeah, alone." I agreed.

At the end of the day, sometimes alone was the best place to be.

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