26. Troubling Jealousy

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Jobe's POV:

"Hey, what you doing in my pool? I leave for five minutes to run to town and you barge in? So much for changing the locks."

"I picked the lock, and by the way, not a cool move! It took me forever to get in and avoid looking like a criminal in front of the maid." Andy spit out some of the pool water before lifting himself out of the pool, water sizzling onto the concrete.

"So you came here for the pool, huh? Go figure." It wasn't unusual to catch him by the pool, and sometimes, I think that's the reason he stays friends with me.

"Nah, not this time; the pool was an added bonus while waiting for you to show up. I came over here to tell you the great news."

"What, did you finally level up in MLB?" I was being sarcastic, but with Andy, I might be right.

"I'm always a joke to you. Don't you think this might be somewhat important?" When I didn't reply, he finally spoke again.

"I've got a date with Jolie Drake. And before you get on my case, I won't sleep with her today...but I won't promise anything further."

He has a date with Jolie? I don't see Jolie agreeing to the date unless pressured.

"Jolie agreed to this date?" If my feet were strong enough, the concrete would concave.

"Yeah, she sounded pretty stoked, given that girl probably hasn't been on many dates. Hope you don't mind, I told her it was a double date with you and Lisa."

I was stunned into silence.

"I bet she's gonna be a sweet kisser." Every word from Andy was the ice on an already frozen pavement.

How could Jolie agree to a date with such a barbaric man? Jolie could see the good in others, I know that much, but she isn't a fool, or so I thought. I was starting to doubt Jolie's sanity; the one thing I thought unquestionable.

Andy was nothing but a player, a man not looking for much more than sex and a good time. If it came down to it, I'd defend Jolie over my best friend, undeniably so.

But for now, I was going to save face and be cordial during the double date. I was trying to change, to be mature, and I couldn't do that if I let my jealousy get in the way. But on the contrary to popular belief, not all habits die hard and seeing Jolie with Andy would almost be impossible to endure.

"Okay, when's the date?" I responded, very irritated I'd have to inform Lisa.

"In an hour." An hour?! How was I going to alert Lisa to make it in time, especially with her long routine routine of getting ready. Not to mention, I wasn't properly dressed, the soles of my shoes worn out and my shirt dirty from and earlier work out.

"Better get ready then."


"Jolie, come in."

The date was placed at my house, which meant we were under my territory and Andy could keep his paws a deep enough distance.

I decided to cook a simple spaghetti, with no experience in cooking and no help from Andy, spaghetti was an easy way out.

Jolie was the first to arrive, with Lisa not bothering to hurry.

Jolie stepped inside the foyer, the pendant light above her shining against her smooth skin. She was wearing a simple, black top with a lacy white overlay, and butt-hugging jeans. She never failed to inpress, even with the simplist of outfits.

"Jolie, hey!" Andy crowded around us, quick to pull Jolie into the dining room. I swear, if he tried to tell her he cooked the food, I'd probably end up slapping him.

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