Chapter 11

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'This is real. I'm sure it is.' Said Daisy.

'You can't catch a dream when you're asleep.'

'That makes no sense.' Daisy muttered.

'It doesn't have to.' I replied.

'Abi... Look...' Daisy had shifted her gaze to look just above my shoulder, seeing something just behind me.

I turned around and was greeted by the sight of a very human man that I had definitely never seen before in my life.

He had very dark hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to glow with electricity. He was wearing a perfectly-tailored suit. I'd say CIA or MI6 - but they never came to us; we always went to them. 

Nobody on Earth - or anywhere - could know where this ship was.

Of course CIA and MI6 knew that aliens existed. You've heard of Area 51, right? Well, of course it's all real! Stories like ET had to come from somewhere.

I looked up to the ship - but, of course, I didn't recognize it. They only introduced Transport Identification (so, learning what ships belonged to what races and identifying the different materials used to build ships) at age sixteen.

'Hello,' said the man.

'Hi.' Daisy and I replied, simultaneously and uncertainly.

'I'm looking for the Commander.'

The Commander was the person who was in charge of everything - and by everything, I mean everything. He controlled the location of the ship, the camouflage and detection precautions, he hired the staff from past Recruits and made sure everyone on board was safe, in all ways. The Commander was a descendant of the Creator - and that's all we knew about him. The Creator, I mean. The Creator died, after training his son to run the ship, and then he trained his son, who trained his son, and so on. None of the Commanders had ever left the ship, or been afflicted or associated with anybody who wasn't of extremely high significance to the ship. He didn't deal with things personally. And the Commanders were always completely loyal to the ship.

'We don't know a commander.' I replied smoothly. If Daisy spoke now, lies would tumble from her mouth, becoming more and more elaborate, and more and more unrealistic with every word she spoke, so it was better if she just stayed quiet.

The man closed the distance between us in three long strides - he was now looking down at me from about a foot away from me.

Why couldn't I read him easily?

Everything that I could have deduced about him was quickly contradicted. There was something... off-putting about him.

'Yes,' he said quietly. 'You do.'

'I really don't.' I said, still not backing down under his piercing glare. 'You destroyed the most important building here. I'm assuming 'Commander' is some kind of code name. if he's at all important, you probably just killed him.'

I refused to tear my eyes from his, even though i could feel every single fibre of my body was screaming at me to do so.

Tearing my eyes from his would give away the lie.

'I'll find him alone.' He finally said, after what felt like a lifetime of me standing under his piercing, electronic gaze, before leaving.

As soon as he had walked out of earshot, I knew that the Dream Lord was seconds away, so I turned straight to Daisy.

'Remember how real this felt when we get to the village. Remember how convinced you are that this is real. And don't trust anything.'


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