"Oooh!! Cen, Cen!" A stroke of happiness runs threw my body as I spot a dog chasing a stick into the ocean with great enthusiasm. I tug at Ce'Nedras t-shirt sleeve, holding out my hand in the direction of the happy Labrador splashing around in the salt water. Cen thins out her eyes in a reaching squint, eyeing the dog with a light smile. Cen had these moments of being extremely stoic, this was one of these moments.
I cover my lips with a hand, high on puppy energy. I look up at Cen, it seems like she is having troubles with her hair, the wind is mercilessly blowing her ebony locks in every direction imaginable. "Mother fucker.." She mumbles under her breath, pawing at it, desperately trying to swoop it behind her ears so it would stay out of her face. I'm currently not having this problem, that being with my hair up and all. But oh boy, I sure do feel that cold wind. The icy air seeps into my small frame, the sun that cascaded down earlier, making teachers advise us to wear SPF 3000, has melted behind the soggy clouds overhead.
I scrunch up my nose, asking Cen if she would like to go seek some shelter, there were a few sparse trees I saw when we arrived at the beach, we could probably hide out there. "That sounds good." Cen says, nodding at my idea. She has now given up on trying to salvage her hair. I giggle, my best friend now looking much like a defeated mop. "Should we get Rylan?" I ask, rubbing my eye. "Nah, let him freeze."
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Trentin's POV:
Cole, Kater and I are currently building a sand fortress, castles are for the weak and.. Y'know, ancient medieval civilizations. It looks pretty, well it looks shit. But all of us are much to proud to admit just so. I have rolled up my jeans so now they just kinda look like parachute pants, but I'd prefer to have a drop crotch than my favourite pair of burgundy bottoms meet a sandy demise.
We have finished off the main foundation of our sand structure, now it just needs some decor, like the odd shell here or there. Cole speaks up from in front of me. I have to look up, me being on my knees, shovelling a moat. The tall 14-year old seems to be clutching a handful of sea weed that he must of grabbed off the shore. "Look it's Trentin!" He says, shoving it in Kater's face. I stand up, brushing off the sandy debris. "Haha," I say, "very funny." I sharpen the end of my sentence, grabbing the slippery sea plant and chucking it into a crashing wave. As I do so, I notice how choppy the water has gotten.
Foamy, navy waves hungrily slam against the shore. "Woah.." Cole says, taking a step backward on to Kater's foot. "Ow! My nipples!" Kater yells in a pitchy voice, making Cole push him away with a laugh.
I scoff, turning to my friends. Deciding to put my worry about the waves in the backseat. But something uneasy lingers in my throat as I see heavy rain behind the tree line. Behind the tree line were the roads that we needed to use to get home, And if I recall correctly, those roads were made of mud. Uh oh..
Emma's POV:
Me, Gina and Rowan greet Ce'Nedra and Neha as they join us in our little hiding spot, just a couple feet away from the beach and up by the green grass and picnic tables. I rest my jaw on the palm of my hand as we all watch the boys goofing around on the sand. Aiden just came back from the bus, he must of forgotten something, I didn't quite hear what it was. He jumps on the boy's sand castle, we hear a voice distantly yelling "KABAM!" as he does so. Cole laughs, most likely saying 'kerchow'.
Trentin looks like he might genuinely be crying, pounding on the sandy ground with his fists. Kater just kinda watches with a happy expression. lord, save Kater.
"They are so dumb." Gina states, rolling her eyes and tying her sleek black hair into a ponytail. I don't know how she can do that without a mirror, must be a God given talent. "Aren't they Rowan?" Gina inquires our brunette friend, who is sitting to my left. Rowan draws back from her bagel, that she has been working on for the past minute. "Huh? What?" She responds, covering her full mouth with a hand. Leaning forward slightly, so she can see past me and get a good look at Gina. "Are they dumb?" Gina says again, shortening her sentence and raising her voice.
Shifting her attention to the great beach bombing of 2017™, then watching them for a second, Rowan nods her head in agreement with Gina and contently returns to her lunch.
I shiver, I wish I listened to my moms proposal of bringing a sweater. I didn't because the weather looked so promising this morning, it's kind of scary how quickly it swung in the other direction. I run my hands up and down my shoulders, hoping the friction will give me the slightest fracture of warmth. This outfit of a tank top and shorts aren't doing me much justice against the chilly air pressing against my skin. "It's so cold, I'm gonna yell." Rowan says, knitting her eyebrows and staring at the clouds. "Is it possible to Curb stomp the weather?" Gina says laughing, also rubbing her arms. "Gina yang, no." I say laughing, shaking my head. I know if Gina could, she would.
"Next your gonna ask if you could drown the rain." Rowan says, holding out a forearm as ice cold droplets fall onto her limb. "IM GONNA CURB STOMP THE RAIN!" Gina says, bolting upright. "Gina yang, no!" Neha says giggling.