Imagine for Terrificdolan123
Andrea's (pov)
I wake up to Emilio whispering something to me in Spanish of course I don't really know much Spanish so i decided after i got dressed and ready I would teach him some English.
I got up and brushed my brown hair and then brushed my teeth. Then getting dressed I went downstairs where I found ivan sitting at the kitchen island.
"Hey" I said.
"Hi" he replied in his spanish accent.
"Im going to teach you some English, because you keep talking to me in Spanish and I don't really understand what your saying"
"okay" he replied.
"okay, Im going to say a word and you try to repeat what I say" I stated.
"okay, im goin to say a wor-" he started
"no, not yet" i said laughing.
"oh" he laughed.
"okay every time you get one right ill give you a kiss"
"okay.. am i suppose to repeat" He said.
"no" I said.
"okay now repeat what im about to say"
"say clock" I said slowly.
"cluck" He said trying
"No try again"
"Cl-Clock" He said.
"yea you got it" you said giving him a kiss.
"okay now try to say.. um.. Foil"
"yep" you said giving him another kiss.
"try to say Crucial"
Emilio tried a couple times a couldn't get it.
"okay well try that word another day"
"try to say Painful"
"Pa-... Painful" He said.
"Your got it, than was a harder one" I said giving him a kiss.
Narrators (pov)
After Another Fifteen minutes of Andrea teaching Emilio English words they stopped and began enjoying the rest of their day
I hope you like it I tried <3