Chapter Seven - What a match I'm half doomed and your semi-sweet

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I woke up and looked at my clock it was 9:29 am

I was snuggled up against Patrick's side and he had his arm wrapped around me

'Wheres Adam and why isn't he nudging me?' I thought

Adam's an earlybird and up before me always and nudges me every morning to wake me up

Then I remembered, Adam called last night and said he was spending the night at Tommy's because I couldn't seem to keep it in my pants...I said the same thing to him

Patrick flickered his eyes open and seemed to have noticed I moved a little

'Such a light sleeper' I thought

"Morning" he mumbled

His voice still deep and gruff and full of sleep, It was sexy really

"Morning" I said and his face lit up before he kissed my cheek

I felt his two-day-old beard and smiled at the scratchiness "How are you feeling?"

"Kinda queasy and hungry, Wanna make us breakfast?"

"Sure, Anything for you Ryan"

He kissed me for real this time and it was deep but gentle at the same time and passionate and so.....meaningful

His lips were so soft and warm and welcoming

I pulled him on top of me but my stomach growled and he pulled away

I whined at the loss of contact and warmth

"I know but I've gotta make you breakfast remember?"

"It can wait"

"No it can't, This can wait"

"Okay" I pouted looking down at his boxers and his obvious hard on "You go start making breakfast and I'll go pee"

"Good plan" he chuckled and gave me a quick kiss before he went towered the kitchen only wearing his boxers and shirt

I drooled a little as I watched him leave before I went to the bathroom

-Cut Scene-

After I peed and flushed I felt sick all of a sudden "Oh god"

And I hurled into the toilet

"Patriickk!" I yelled weakly

"What's wrong?!" he said as he ran in

"Oh my god!"

He sat next to where I was kneeling in front of the toilet

I threw up again

"It's okay" he whispered while rubbing circles into my lower back

It was comforting really

I threw up a third time and flushed nodding that I was done

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I feel better"

-Cut Scene-

-He's well hung and I am hanging up-

I was sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen while Patrick was making us breakfast

I felt my phone buzzing and I looked down and almost fainted

It said 'Elisa Stump'

I was practically having a heart attack

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Y-y-yeah I'm fine" I lied

"I've just gotta get this"

I went in my room and shakily answered it

Me - H-hello?

Elisa - Hello is this Ryan?

Me - Y-yeah, Why?

Elisa - I'm wondering where my husband is, he hasn't came home in a few days

Me - You kicked him out, He took that as you didn't want him to come back

Elisa - I know, I fucked up

Me - Why did you think to call me?

Elisa - Because you did that song together and I thought you might know and I'm worried sick

Me - I'm sick too trust me

Elisa - Wait! Your the girl he knocked up?

Me - Yeah, he didn't tell you it was me?

Elisa - No, He just said that he cheated on me and got some girl pregnant, I didn't know it was you

Me - Really? Some girl? I'm sorry I've gotta go

I walked back into the kitchen

"Was that Adam?" he asked

"No, That was Elisa"

He spit coffee everywhere


"Yes and she informed me that you said you got "some girl" pregnant" (using air quotes)

"I didn't mean it like that! I was just saying that so maybe she'd feel better"

"Am I just a lay to you?! Cause it really seems like it to me!"

"No your not!"

"WHAT AM I THEN?!" we're yelling now


I instantly shut up

"What?" I barely whisper

"I think I'm falling in love with you" he mumbles

"Oh my god"

"I know! It's out of line! I shouldn't feel like this! I'll leave if you want me to" and he looked really sad

"No, It's not, Don't worry, I don't want you to go, I've thought the same thing about you for a while now but thought I was crazy and that nothing would ever happen between us..."

"Really? I thought that too but I acted on it when I was drunk, that must be why they call it liquid courage huh?"

"Yeah I guess"

"Ryan, I don't love Elisa anymore, I'm gonna divorce her, I wanna be with you"

"You want what?"

"I want to feel you sleeping next to me every night, I wanna stay in bed with you all day and cuddle and watch movies, I want to marry you and be able to call you mine and tell you I love you every day til the day I die, I want to kiss you so much it hurts"

"I want all that too, That kinda scares me but, let's do it"

He smiled "So where should we start?"

"How about with breakfast, and then we can stay in bed all day watching movies?"

"Sounds great!" he said flipping a waffle in the iron

Yay! I'm finally writing again!

But I'm still a little bit depressed because I haven't talked to one of my best friends in a few days,

But I'll be updating soon! (maybe even later today idk)

Thank you all for reading this so far! It means alot!

Kisses to all of you!

Song of the chapter - Secrets by OneRepublic

Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes - Fall Out Boy

(and Calm Before The Storm - Fall Out Boy on the subchapter! The TTTYG version!)


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