Supreme Kai x Homunculus Reader [Porcelain Doll]

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Supreme Kai x Homunculus Reader AU

Porcelain Doll

There you lay. On a marble pedestal in the middle of your "father's" lab. You look as if you're serenely sleeping. Shin knows better though. Slowly he walks towards you. His footsteps echo off of the walls. The sounds feels like it pierces his ears each time.

He places a hand on your cold (s/c) cheek. His thumb moves across your cheek gently. His eyes are full of sorrow and regret. He doesn't want to do this to you, but he has to. 

His hand moves from your cheek your just above where your heart should be. His eyes roam over your face once more before his closes them. A memory flashes in his mind.

"Hey Shin!"

A soft voice calls out to him. He turns and faces a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and shining (e/c) eyes. Her (f/c) dress flows around her with the summer breeze. Bare (s/c) feet are covered by overgrown grass and wild flowers.

"Hello! Earth to Shin!"

Her voice snaps him from his trance and he blushes. She lets out a laugh and grabs his hands.

"I love you so much Shin!"

Her (l/c) lips pull into a smile as she says this.

"I love you too (y/n)."

Shin says this happily. He pulls her into a hug and her smile falters.

His hand shakes. He closes his eyes tighter trying to hold back tears. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want this! Out of everyone and everything in the world why did it have to be you?

Why did you have to be a doll?

His shaky hand plunges into your chest and removes your "heart". 

He pulls back and falls to his knees. He clutches the stone in his hand tighter. The only thing he had left of you wasn't a necklace or photo. No. Shin had something much more gruesome.

He had your philosopher's stone heart. 

an: Forgive me for the shitty piece, but eh. It's all I could think of for this idea.

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