Whis x Reader [A Little Priest]

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The evening sun peers through the second floor window and casts shadows around the room. ___ stands beside Whis looking down at a man on the floor. She frowns and crouches down beside the body. She fixes her (f/c) dress and loots his pockets. Whis spares her a glance and takes a sit adjacent from her.

"What we gonna do about him?"

She asks as she counts the money in the wallet. She finishes then stands and walks over to Whis.

"We'll take it to some secret place and bury him."

Whis' voice is low. He rests his head in his hands annoyed with the whole situation. ___ takes another glance at the body and hums.

"I guess we could do that. No one will come pokin' around. Does seem a shame though..."

___ trails off getting an idea in her head.

"A shame?"

Whis echos. His curiosity piqued a bit. His lavender eyes watch as she paces around a bit.

"Seems an awful waste. Such a nice, plump frame. Wot's 'is name has, had, has."

Her (e/c) eyes sweep across the room to the kitchen. She walks over and runs her hands along the counter.

"Nor it can't be traced. Bus'ness needs a lift, debts to be erased. Think of it as thrift. As a gift. If you get my drift."

She looks back over at Whis. He's looking at her with confusion written on his face. She sighs.

"Seems an awful waste. I mean, with the price of meat what it is. When you get it. If you get it..."

She draws the last part out.


His eyes light up as it clicks.

"Good, you got it!"

___'s voice has a happy ring to it. She walks back over to the window and looks out into the street. Many people going about the evening. Whis comes over and stands beside her looking out at them as well. His lavender eyes have a predatory look to them now.

"Take, for instance, Mrs. Mooney and her pie shop! Bus'ness never better using only pussycats and toast!"

Her lips pull into a frown again. She crosses her arms and tilts her head.

"Now a pussy's good for maybe six or seven at the most! And I'm sure they can't compare as far as taste!"

Whis nods along with what ___ says.

"Ms.___, what a charming notion."

He gives her a sly smile. She laughs at that and looks back out of the window.

"Think of all them pies!"

___ points out at the people below. Everyone unsuspecting of the two in the shop above them. Looking at them like they're prey.

"It's man devouring man, my dear! Who are we to deny it in here?"

He lets out a chilling chuckle. He turns and looks at the decaying state of the shop.

"These are desperate times. Ms.___, and desperate measures are called for!"

His words and hers convince each other that what they're doing is fine.

As the months go on and more unsuspecting people come in and out of the shop. ___ bakes and cooks, while Whis goes and gets more "meat". The shop quickly becomes busier and busier. The people of the town enjoying ___'s fresh meat pies and other dishes.

"This is truly lovely dear! You'll have to tell me your recipe!"

An older woman stops ___ as she's going about serving customers. She gives out an eerily happy smile and shakes her head.

"If I told you you wouldn't come back!"

The woman chuckles and waves ___ as she goes off to another table. She twirls between the tables serving and talking to customers.

The place closes for the night and Whis comes down from his "shop" above the restaurant. He takes a seat at the counter and ___ turns around. She smiles and gets a pie from the counter and puts it in front of him.

"Ah there you are love."

Whis glances at the pie and then back at ___.

"What is that?"

___ leans on the counter and grins.

"It's priest. Have a little priest."

She gets a fork from the holder and places it on the plate.

"Is it really good?"

He raises an eyebrow. She nods.

"Sir, it's too good, at least! Then again, they don't commit sins of the flesh, so it's pretty fresh."

Whis lets out a laugh at that.

"Haven't you got poet, or something like that?"

___ shakes her head.

"No, y'see, the trouble with poet is 'ow do you know it's deceased? Try the priest!"

She laughs and Whis cuts into the pie. The fork breaks the crust and the meat spills out. He grins when he sees the pit of blue flesh mixed in.

"I see you've made this how I asked."

___ huffs.

"Of course I did. I know how much this one means to you. You went out and made sure to get this one. The priest is the freshest I have."

Whis finishes his pie and goes around the counter. He hugs ___ from behind and hums.

"That was delicious love. I hope you save me another."

___ leans back against him.

"I'll make another one soon then. I know they'll be more to come."

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