Zamasu x Reader [Vows]

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Zamasu x Reader AU


People sit about talking to each other waiting for the wedding to start. For a rushed wedding it doesn't seem to show it. The setting summer sun shines through the fairy lit trees. White benches are decorated with lilies and ribbons. A path to the alter is made with lily petals mixed into slightly overgrown green grass.

The hum of cicadas mixes with the soft music as people quiet down. Zamasu stands at the alter trying to calm himself. He didn't think this day would be here so soon, but he's happy none the less. He fidgets with his hands as the music picks up.

She steps out and the setting sun just accents her beauty. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair is styled back to show the light amount of makeup on her face. Her lips are painted a glossy shimmering peach color. Hey eyes have a dusting of (f/c) eye shadow to accent her beautiful (e/c) eyes. She holds a bouquet of lilies and (f/f) in her delicate hands. Her gown flowed with the summer breeze. The loose fabric swayed with each step she took down the aisle.

His steely gaze is fixed on her. He smiles happily when she finally gets to the alter. She smiles back a blush on her face.

"___ you know me better than anyone else in this world and you manage to love me still. You've been with me for so long and I finally get to make these promises to you. I promise to stay with you. I promise to always be there for you. Most importantly I promise to love you."

His voice is warm and loving as he speaks.

"Zamasu you were hard to get. You didn't want to let me in, but I persisted. Eventually I made my way into your heart and I'm glad you let me in. I got to see every part of you and I love every part. I love you and I promise that I always will."

___'s voice is gentle and shaky as tears come to her eyes.

"I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride."

Zamasu pulls her close and gently presses his lips to hers. She kisses back happily. The crowd of friends and family claps and cheers for the two. They pull apart and walk down the aisle together hand in hand.

[My goodness I'm sorry this is short Yune. Q-Q I tried my best! I hope you like it! Also to everyone else I'm working hard on my other stories and requests I promise! I'm sorry it's taken my so long. I'm gonna try to kick depressions ass though!]

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