I'm so excited!

On Monday I get to go to a ropes course with Reroonious hopes-and-roses Pocket_Moose and one other person.

I also recently found out it can go up to siXTY FREAKING FEET IN THE AIR

I'm afraid of heights...                               h e l p   m e

But you know, whatever.

On another note, I dropped my iPad and the screen cracked at the edges (nothing major) but it's cracking more and the screen is becoming unresponsive...

Ugh, I guess I'll just have to buy a new one.

Aannnd I just realized how spoiled that sounded, I meant buy a new screen...

Wow. My mind is just all over the place today. Let's see what else I can think of that's just TOTALLY UNRELATED TO EVERYTHING

I am liking Tokyo Ghoul. If you haven't seen it I  recommend it.

I have a headache, all I've (basically) done this summer is watch anime and listen to kpop, and my orthodontist told me I might need braces again *sarcastically* yay.

Ummm, that's just about everything.


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