C H A P T E R 2

121 6 3

I'm sorry for the late update.
Continued From Last Chapter.

No Ones POV

The guard looked up at Lauren confused of her rejection to the assault of a fan. "Ma'am, it's my duty to protect you and without hesitation", he tased the girl. You can hear her body drop to the floor with a loud thud. Normani, Dinah and Ally were shocked that this happened, but Lauren was already at her fan's side, making sure she was okay. She curled her hair behind her ear and lightly taped her cheek to wake her up. " Hey lil Chicken.. Wake up for me okay?" Lauren watched the brunettes facial expression deeply. The older girl sat up from straddling the girl's waist as she ran her fingers through her hair, combing it to the side. Sighing heavily, she was just about to give up until she saw the younger girl stirring awake.

Camila's POV.

I can't move. Nothing seems to be working. Shock waves courses through my body time and it hurts to breathe. "What happened? Where am I? Why can't I see?" I open my eyes, but I still can't move. "Fuck fuck fuck i-i can't move help me HELP ME! No no no no fuck please help.. I keep forgetting to breathe as I panic. "Camila calm down and breathe. Calm down and breathe." As soon as my heart rate settles, I hear a voice and pressure on my waist. It's raspy.. "L-Lauren Jauregui?!!... Shit I probably look stupid and helpless. Fuck she'll never like me..."
Little Does Camila Know.

I'm sorry this is short but I wanted to get this out quickly and send another.
I'm really excited for this so I hope you like it
Pleas comment any suggestions or compliments. They help a lotttt
Okieee byeeee love y'all <3


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