Lights. The lights were on us and I wanted to cry.
The crowd around us inched back as they noticed, and the band onstage was staring.
Isaac stood up, Gerard slid out of me, and I felt his fingers lace with mine as he dragged me out.
I grabbed Isaac's arm, pulling him along.
The lights followed, as well as giggles and the occasional 'ewww'.
Gerard had taken me to his house after dropping Isaac off with a wink and Gerard rolling his eyes.
We sat on his couch, him in the middle and me on his lap, with his dick in my ass and his knees bouncing me up and down as he tried to prove that he could fuck me with no hands and no help from me.
It would have worked,if his dick were smaller and slid almost out, but it was thicker and much longer and barely came out halfway, no matter how hard he kicked his feet up.
"Fine," he finally said, both of us panting, our faces red. "So I can't...." He lifted me, turning and laying me on the couch, crawling on top of me. "But! You still let me try, so I win anyway. Can we try something else?"
"Sure," I huffed,a smile painted on my face from cheek to cheek.
"Alright.." He sat up, tucked his legs under him, and flipped me over.
I giggled, my dick making a weird noise as it hit the leather couch.
"Reach your arms out, like a pussycat. My pussycat."
I made a scene of reaching each individual arm out and giggled after when he slapped my butt.
"Now gimme your damn ass, dumbass." He pulled me onto his lap, using one hand to shove his dick in me. He sat up slightly, then tucked his arm under me and picked me up, my arms poking up into the air then resting around his neck, my back against his chest.
That position hit the fucking spot and I wasn't afraid to let him know in a single, drawn out moan.
"That's a good boy.." His fingers pressed into my skin, leaving red marks and burning. His lips met my neck and they fell in love, one suckling and caressing the other while the other grew red in heated passion.
"What am I, your d-og n-now..?" I moaned, to which he nodded, whispering a humorous "good boy" as he lifted me, fucking me.I didn't last, coming into the leather after four more thrusts, him after seven.
He picked me up, sliding out then gently putting me back down and leaning back.
"I know we just met, but my dick wants to marry your asshole." He spoke without a single falter and I giggled, tugging on his hair. "It's like 2 a.m., I think your dick's probably delusional by now. Besides, my ass don't belong to no one."
He growled, and I began to internally question where the territorial behaviour came from.

FanfictionUh. Just read it? A WARNING, IT'S OLD AND REALLY SMUTTY I'm updating. it might not be as smutty...bu t