Let's just put a trigger warning here ok, we may need it: There will be blood, vampirism (not on a person yet), and...wait..SpOiLer-My fingers glide over the blade as I press down, watching as the blood beads up and drips onto the knife and the floor. I no longer feel the stinging pain in my fingertips when I put them in my mouth, but it soon comes back, as I bite down on them. Fangs protrude from my mouth when i take them out, and I lift the deer by its antlers, taking a breath before I bite down into it's neck, grunting as the blood flows easily. After a few moments, I have to bite a different spot on its neck, and another further down the body, ensuring I get every drop it has to offer. My strength comes back slowly, and I choose to spend my waiting time by playing with a hoof, flopping it forward and back as I lay on the deer. It's body is bigger than my own, and definitely softer, so I stay there, even after I'm strong enough to tear it's leg off with one quick tug.
It isn't until maybe two hours or so later that I hear voices, familiar voices, growing closer. Noah, and that Russian kid. Instincts told me to run and find water to clean myself, but my smartass self wanted to stay planted there and ask Noah if he wanted to be next.
Can you guess which won?Just a teaser.
x o x o

FanfictionUh. Just read it? A WARNING, IT'S OLD AND REALLY SMUTTY I'm updating. it might not be as smutty...bu t