4 (VOID)

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This is probably gonna suck. So I personally apologize. It will be rough, as I will post it as soon as I finish.

Four days. It had been four days since I had met Gerard. It hadn't killed me, but it certainly made me a snappy little bitch towards Isaac. So I decided to visit him.
The way to his house was tricky. He lived in the woods, and my lanky ass almost broke my arm swerving away from a ditch. I made it though, and his car wasn't even there. I stepped out and went up to the door, knocking anyway. A faint noise rung out, (a howl?) and I looked around, noticing something shiny under the edge of the "GO AWAY" mat. I lifted it, whispering a silent praise as I picked up a key and reached to unlock the door. The door was open already though, so I pushed it further open and stepped in. My hand flew up, covering my mouth to prevent myself from vomiting.
Gerard lay on the floor, bloody and beaten, his face swollen and covered in bruises and blood. I got to my knees quickly, touching him softly, reassuring myself that it was actually him.
"Fuh...??" He mumbled softly, one open eye looking at me. His hand reached for me, and I took it, squeezing it softly.
"It's me, Gerard. Frank? Remember me?" He let out a hoarse laugh, sitting up before I could stop him. He nodded, then smushed his face into mine, kissing me hard. We'd only spent one night together, but I knew that kiss, that force. We were NOT about to go there, so I pushed his face away.
"Gerard, who did this? How long has it been?"
He laughed again, and pushed me off. "Fine," he grunted, struggling to stand. I got up quickly to help. He shrugged toward the bedroom and I led him there, hoping he had a first aid kit or something in the bathroom. He sat on the bed, but wouldn't lay down and kept tugging on my shirt. I let him remove it, and shove me onto the bed. I expected him to go for my jeans, fumble, and give up, but he turned onto his side and with one arm, pulled me into his chest. "Sleep." He barked, making me flinch. I nodded and kept still, waiting. A few minutes later, I heard his breath slow into a steady, hoarse pattern, and his fingers twitched slightly against my back. I wiggled away, sliding out of the bed and to the bathroom, where the mirror was broken, chunks of it lying in the sink or on the floor and the door of it was barely swinging still. It hadn't been long at all. The first aid kit was on the floor, its contents messily shoved into it and....wet..? I took out the bandage, which was heavily soaked in alcohol, the stink surrounding not only the box but about two feet around it as well. There was a plastic bottle with a knife stabbed into it that I soon realized was the alcohol's original container. I searched for anything else I could use, but only found another bottle of alcohol and bandaids. I carried them back to the room, and dropped them at the door.  He was gone.

It's short as fuck and a he l l a cliffhanger, but that's for my homie Ash, who still hasn't updated his own story but had the audacity to demand I do so... Anyway, this is it for today, but I promise it won't be long.

- Siid

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