Chapter Three

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~~Pic of Chase~~

Chase's POV

Why the hell was she leaving. What happened that was so bad that would make her leave. I went back to sleep, but had a difficult time knowing that she left when I could of stopped it.

I soon got to sleep, but woke up to my mom screaming for us all to wake up. I got out of bed and went downstairs to see my mom crying and my dad comforting her. She had a letter in her hands.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I ask knowing what it is.

She handed me the paper in her hand. I grabbed it and read it.

'Dear Mom, Dad, and Brothers,

You are probably wondering why I left. Well I'm sorry. My mate rejected me after we did the dirty. I'm sorry I disappointed you and not being able to tell you in person. My mate got me pregnant and I couldn't face him any longer. I know you all are wondering who my mate is. I know dad, Jacob, and Chase want to know who it is so you can beat his face in, but don't do it. It's the soon-to-be-alpha

Marco Cisneros


Your Daughter/Sister'

That piece of shit will pay for what he did to my sister. I will kill him. He rejected the most caring, beautiful, and sweet girl that use to be his best friend. He fucking got her pregnant. That BASTARD!

"I'm going to kill him!" I say.

"Oh, we all do." says my father.

"I just hope she will come back one day." Jacob says.

"Oh, my sweet little girl. What will we do without you." says mom still crying on my dad's shoulder.

"She told me she will write and to ask Maria for the address when she finds a place, so we can visit her." I tell them more calm than I was before.

"You knew she was leaving? Why didn't you stop her or something?!" asked Jacob getting angry.

"Because I knew I couldn't change her mind. I did ask her but she wouldn't tell me. All she said was that I will know in the morning and that she couldn't stay here anymore!" I say back.

"Boys! Stop this won't do anything to bring your sister and our daughter back." says my dad calmly.

I knew on the inside that he was breaking down. He just lost his only daughter. He would probably not see her again. I know that he is just being strong for his mate/my mother.

I look at the counter and see another letter. It has the Alpha's son's name on it. I growl and grab it before walking out the door. I storm up to the pack house and barge in. I see the pack women look at me confused. I run up the stairs and bang on the the Marco's door.

The door soon opens to reveal the asshole that ruined my family and hurt my little sister.

"What is it?" he asked.

"For you Alpha." I say handing me a letter.

"Who from?" he asks grabbing it.

"You'll know when you read it. Also, my whole family and Maria hate you." I say walking away.

Marco's POV

I was in my bed sleeping when there was a knock on my door. I groaned and walked to the door to see my mate's older brother Chase. I looked at him confused.

"What is it?" I asked.

"For you Alpha." he says handing me a letter.

"Who from?" I ask grabbing it.

"You'll know when you read it. Also, my whole family and Maria hate you." he says walking away.

I shrugged and closed my door then sat on the edge of my bed. I open the letter and pull out what was inside. I then read the context out loud.

'Dear Marco,

As you probably heard I left. Don't look for me. I don't even know why I'm writing you a letter in the first place. I also have something to say. I don't know what you mean by saying that I betrayed you. I never did. I don't know what you are talking about. I have been your loyal friend since forever and I don't know what I did but I know that I would never hurt you on purpose. i hope you can learn to forgive me and learn to come to your fucking senses that I'm your mate. also learn to love me.


Gabriella Martinez'

She left me. I can't believe she left me. What have I done.

'It's all your fault!' yelled my wolf.

'I didn't know she would leave!' I yell back.

'We have to find her.' I say.

'No shit sherlock.' says my wolf.

I'll find you my mate. I regret that I ever rejected you. Just come back to me.

Rejected and PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now