Chapter 9: Bad habbits

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A/N: Just to clarify this: I changed Zack's girlfriend's name from Ashley to Zoey

Happy reading! :)

Chapter 9: Bad habbits

Vanessa's POV:

 "No one knows. No one can tell. How bad I wanna yell. But it's okay, I'll hold it in. Until the heart gives in."

I didn’t thought I could held the tears back anymore. And Ryan being so close, staring at me like I was a bomb ready to explode didn’t helped that much. I wanted to be alone.

Why wouldn’t he go away? He noticed that I wasn’t really in the mood to talk so why was he here?

“What’s wrong?” he softly asked.

“Nothing” I said trying to dodge his questions. I looked down because I  already felt my eyes flooding with tears. Probably by now they were red.

“Vanessa...come on, tell me"

“Agh Ryan, just go. Now it’s not the moment.”

“Please tell me”


“Why, won’t you?” I heard him saying.

“Because it’s none of your business.”

“Well I like getting  involved in other people…umm businesses. Please.”

“It’s nothing...I...I just…


“You just what?”

“I just remembered about her…”

“About who?”

“My sister.”

“Well... where is she?”

“Dead.” I simply answered with the most unemotional face I had.


I’m sorry, I didn’t knew.” He said shifting uncomfortably on the bank.

“Don’t worry. I’m used to it.”

“When did it happened?”

“Umm...not long, to be more precise...6 months ago.” I said remembering with bitterness about the accident.

I saw his forehead wrinkled in confusion.

“It was a car crash. We were travelling to Berlin. My dad was driving. Out of nowhere there came a car. The front of our vehicle, where my sister was sitting wasn’t affected so I thought she was ok. I couldn’t see her because I was stuck between some metal pieces. I didn’t felt pain because of the adrenaline that was in my body. But it didn’t last long.

A sudden movement shook the car. Another vehicle hit the front this time. The adrenaline’s effect was already disappearing and my senses we’re invaded by the horrible smell of fresh blood and burning fuel. My head was hurting and I was pretty sure blood was dripping from my wounds. But that wasn’t my main concern. The only thing I cared was her. But she was nowhere in my field of sight. Part of me knew that in the moment, the front of the car was damaged she couldn’t stand a chance. And unfortunately that part of me was freaking right.

The doctors said she died because of the strong impact.”

Ryan’s POV:

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