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So... Hello Guys! ... I guess.

This is my first fanfic in English, so I'm very sorry if there are any mistakes. Actually, I am from Germany, but I'm a big fan of #Septiplier. I although wrote a few stories in German about them, but I thought I could try it out in English too because I love reading stories about them in English. I'm pretty sure there are going to be a lot of mistakes because I chose a quite complicated topic for my first English fanfic. It's about mermaids... or in this case mermen. Jack (or Séan) is a merman. He has no experience with humans at all. He knows what they are, because of the old ancient history of his people, but he never saw a human in his entire life. He is very inquisitive and one day he gets caught in a fishing net. He stranded on the coast. Maybe it was fortune that he was saved by a young man with dark hair. But since Jack wants to learn everything about humans, he keeps the young man named Mark underwater in an air bubble ... maybe not the best decision. What have I done... maybe next time I try something easy. Also this is not going to be a story with hundreds of chapters. I know where my end is, but you guys can also decide what's going to happen. So, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy ^^-

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Bored, Jack had his arms crossed behind his head and was looking through the water into the sky. The sun was shining straight onto the sea, so Jack was able to see a few white clouds through the waves. Clouds were so interesting. Everything in or from the human world was interesting. One time he was in a sunken ship. There were so many things... little treasures, like Jack calls them. For example, there was something on the wall. The surface was cold. Jack knew, that it was glass. He saw it once on the coast. There was something inside this glass. It was terrifying. Every time Jack moved the thing moved too... it was so scary. But then he figured out that it was himself in the mirror. At least the humans call it the mirror. Humans use it to see their own reflection. They can check how they look... what a confusing thing. Even the ship itself was so interesting. Jack was so fascinated about the thought that the humans infested something that was able to swim above the water. And it was huge... and made out of wood! Unbelievable that something that massive was able to swim.

Jack was lying on his back, arms crossed behind his head and his bright red tail was lying on the rock he was lying on top of. His tail was really special. It was longer than the tail of other mermen. And the colour... he was proud of it. Red was his favourite colour and so was his tail. The scales gleamed in the sunlight. Also, his tail fin was different. The floating skin, the web between his fin rays was light green. Normally you have the same color all over your body... but Jack was different. His hair was bright green and his eyes ocean blue. Everything about him was different. He doesn't even know why.

Since he was "born" in a shell he was so excited to see anything. But soon the sea wasn't enough for him. He wanted to see more. He wanted to see what was above the sea level. Humans were fascinating creatures. Having legs was something unbelievable for Jack. But every time he was giving his thoughts some more space to float like he was doing it now, he thought about walking on the beach. How it would feel like to climb over rocks or just the feeling of sand between his toes.He dreamed of being a human... but he had never seen one in his entire life. Of course, he knew, that they were dangerous. He knew, that the humans wanted him dead. That's why he was trying to stay away from the coast. The fishermen on the ships were throwing nets into the sea to catch him. And on the ground, under rocks and hiding under corals and algae were lying all types of different traps. All made out of steal and their only existence reason was catching all kinds of fish and crabs. He was horrified at the thought that he might get caught up in one of these and then he would be served as a delicacy on a plate in a restaurant. A chill ran down his back. He did not want to think about it for God's sake. But he had to admit that he was very curious. And he would like to see a living man. Maybe even talk to him.Even if he did not know if a human would be able to understand him at all or if he would understand humans. He still wanted to try so much and learn everything that human beings knew. How they emerged, why they had legs and no fin...

But he was to afraid. What if he gets caught? He would probably die... that's why he stood away from the coast and from every ship that is sailing over the sea.

But his curiosity grows immeasurably. And as he dared to move a little closer to the coast on a sunny day, swimming in a bay, it had to come as it had to come. He was surprised by a swarm of silver shining fish that frantically swam in the exactly opposite direction he was about to go. Confused he looked after the swarm, but it was already too late. A fishing net was wrapped around his thin body, marking every move impossible. The net pulled him across the sea. Sharp shells and pointed stones cut into his scales of his fin and into the skin of his upper body. But he did not feel the pain. Instead, panic exploded inside him and paralysed his body. He could not move... wasn't able. He saw himself already under a sharp meat knife on a wooden board, when he finally escaped this rigidity. With hectic movements, he tried to tear the net somehow, but it simply did not work. How should it work? The net was made for holding several tons of weight. How could he tear a net like this? But he did not give up. He didn't want to die. He had heard far too many stories about the casualties of the seas who were caught and thrown back into the sea with serious injuries or just never came back. He did not want to be one of them. Slowly panic disappeared and soon he could think clearly again. He was only a few yards away from the surface of the water as he actually managed to destroy the metal support of the net with his sharp claws.Some of his fingernails broke, but that did not interest him much. He sank on the sea floor, and so did the net in which he was still caught. He only wanted to rest for a short time and then he would try to free himself from the net. But now he was out of breath. The panic attack was exhausting and his body hurt. He closed his eyes. He wanted to rest for a short time ... but hours had passed quickly.

His neck contracted painfully. The pressure in his breast spread, painfully high to the larynx. His hands twitched convulsively as he led them frantically to his gills. His skin was dusty. His vision blurred, his body longed for the unachievable water. How could that happen? He just wanted to close his eyes for a few minutes. Probably he was asleep because he had not noticed that the tide had suddenly occurred. The water had retreated in the evening sun and now Jack was lying here. He was still caught in the fishing net and could hardly move. Everything in him screamed. He had to go back into the water, otherwise, he would suffocate here on the now dry sand.His lungs were so dry that he could not make a sound. His voice failed him.

He had escaped the torment of the fishing vessel, had managed not to be dragged onto a fishing boat, but now he would suffer a much worse death. All alone dying because he had ventured into foreign territory. He cursed his curiosity. In the distance, he could hear a noise. This must be the sound of crunching sand. He had often imagined how the sand would sound under his feet ... in the distance, he could see how a figure ran in his direction. The one called something, but Jack couldn't understand what he was saying. Then his vision became black.

As he opened his eyes the next time, breathing was much easier than before. Water dripped from somewhere into his gills. Carefully, he opened his ocean blue eyes. Meanwhile, the sun had almost completely disappeared and a light wind was blowing. Dazed, he ran his hand over his wet forehead. Then he realized suddenly what had just happened. Frightened, he looked up to the figure which had carried him on the poor and had sat down with him on the lap in the shallow water. It was a young man with dark hair and equally dark, almost black eyes. He wore no clothes, as people usually did. Only one ... Jack believed the human word for it was swimming trunks. One hand lay on Jack's back on his shoulder and the other under his fin. The man had dug himself so far into the water, that jacks fin and a part of its gills lay under water. So he could breathe again.Actually, he had just saved his life and actually he looked quite nice and friendly. After all, he had saved him and not cut him directly open and placed him onto the grill, but Jack was so scared and panicked that he scraped across the breast of the stranger with his sharp claw-like fingernails. The stranger immediately let go of him and pressed his hands on the bleeding wound. The time uses Jack and disappeared under the sea level. As fast as he could, he swam out of the small bay, into the open ocean. When he was far enough away, he settled down on a rock wall with a heavy breath. He had survived. Even if he had just gotten out of the way alive ... but he lived. He looked at his fingers. His fingernails still clung to the stranger's blood.

Emotions overcame the merman. The man with the black hair had tried to help him and he had just hurt him. Of course, he had been in panic, but perhaps he had thrown away his only chance to get closer to a man, to finally curb his curiosity. But he was afraid. Probably the man was angry at him now and would hunt him. If he was still alive. Jacks claws cut very deeply into the human flesh. Probably he had been a long time dead.Should he look? He had to... the man had saved him and now he had to do the same. As I said if he was still alive. Then he would provide him.

Trapped in the Sea ~ SEPTIPLIERWhere stories live. Discover now