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P.o.V Mark

Confused, I opened my eyes. Confused, because I did not actually think that I would once again see the light of the world. Well ... it was dark. Some light shimmered through the water, but otherwise, it was dark here.
By the way ... where am I!? The last thing I could remember was that I saved a Merman and he'd cut open my chest with his claws because I scared him. When I think about it, it was definitely just a dream. First of all, I had no pain and secondly ... wait a minute! I looked down at myself, on the once-bloody wound lay a bandage of sea-grass, which relieved the pain. So that was real? Had I really saved a Merman's life?
I was proud of myself for a few seconds that I had saved a sea resident from the quivering. But then I remembered my awkward position.
I tried to move, but I failed. Someone had tied my hands over my head to the ceiling. It was algae that prevented me from moving. I apparently hung in a cave. That's why it was dark here. I could see some stalactites hanging from the ceiling and the raw surface of the rock walls. Besides, water dripped from somewhere on a stone and the sound echoed through the cave.
What happened? Who had kidnapped me and more importantly, how do I get out of here?I had no enemies... no friends too, but that doesn't matter. I had never done anything wrong ... why was I here? Why do I diserve somthing like this?
Now finally, I noticed that my feet are hanging in the water. It was extremly cold and freezed my feet. Was I in an underwater cave? At least this theory would explain why it was so dark here. That was very, very bad ... if I remembered it correctly the water would rise at the next low tide and that means, I would drown. In the worst case... That could be in the next hours or just in a few minutes ... or ... now !?
Suddenly the water reached my knees, without that I noticed it.
"Fuck ... Fuck, Fuck ..." I said quietly to myself, while I was strumming and kicking with my legs. I just somehow tried to come free, but it didn't work. And when the water reached my waist, I screamed for help. Again and again, I screamed, even if I knew that no one would hear me.

P.o.V Jack

A yawn slipped over my lips before I stretched extensively and turned to the other side. I wanted to close my eyes again and wanted to fall asleep again when I remembered that I had a guest with me under water and urgently had to look after him. I was instantly awake. Excited, I freed my fin from the sea grass in which I had probably rotated several times in the night. Quickly I swam back into the cave. It was quite dark, but from the distance, I could see that my guest was apparently trembling with his legs. There were panic movements that left me puzzled for a second. But then I quickly realized the reason why he was afraid.
Human beings could not breathe under water, as I could. Too late, I noticed that low tide had returned, which meant that the cave was filled with water, and soon there would be only a very narrow place with air. And probably that had just happened.
Quickly I swam up and dived out of the water.
"Help! Help!" The black-haired man cried, again and again, throwing his head at his neck, trying to free himself somehow.
Immediately I was by his side and put my hands on his cheeks.
"Do not worry, you won't drown." I said, trying to calm him, but he did not want to listen to me. The panic attack was way too strong.
"Hey!" I said a little louder now, wrapping my fin around his legs to keep him calm.
"Nothing will happen to you!"
He still defended himself until the water had reached his neck. Then he paused suddenly in his movements and simply closed his eyes fearfully. But the water did not rise any further.
"Calm down ... you won't drown, the water will not rise.", I said in a soft voice.
I felt his body relax. The tension around his legs disappeared. After he had calmed down and his breath was no longer so tremulous, he opened his eyes again. He took a few deep breaths.
"You?" He stammered, confused as he saw me. His eyes looked directly into my own.
As if struck by lightning, I shrank back, quickly pulled back my fin, and swam away. Suddenly I was overcome with fear. I was near a human being. Close to a person who would not hesitate to kill me for some money. I clung to the rock wall. The urge to panic away and never come back was strong, but I wanted to learn so much about Humans. 'He will not do you anything ... he can hardly move. Besides, he has saved you once.' I kept talking to myself in my head, what really made me feel a little calmer.
"Did I scare you? I'm sorry, it was not my intention to frighten you," said the man cautiously.
Why was he suddenly calmer than me? He was the one who screamed in panic, and now he was quite calm.
"Do you feel any pain?" I asked quickly to change the subject. I just hoped that during his hectic movements his wound was not ripped open again.
"I do not think so," said the man, what made me dive into the water again. I approached him cautiously. The algae bandage on his chest was a bit slippery, but I could see no blood, luckily. So I stretched my head out of the water again.
"Everything should be okay ..."
"Did you do that?" He pointed with a nod to his chest.
"Y-yes ... I did not want you to bleed to death on the beach because of me, even though you saved me."
He nodded understandingly. "But why did you tie me up in a cave where I could drown?"
Blushing, I looked away and rubbed embarrassedly over my neck. "I could not save you on the beach. I was too afraid to call for someone who might have helped you better ... I knew how I could help you, but not if you would survive until we were here. This is a special place for me, no other sea creature knows this cave, it is also the only one in the vicinity with an air bubble. The water rises at low tide, but there is still some air here. That's why I brought you here. Here I could help you without any of us both being in danger. In addition, there is directly in front of the entrance rare sea grass with which I could produce a healing ointment. And I tied you up ... simply because I was afraid that you could do anything to me as soon as you were awake."


Mark thought the act of the younger man - or at least he looked younger - was extremely sweet. Of course, he was not exactly in the best position. He was also never tied up and especially not in an underwater cave, but somehow he could understand the Merman. It was impressive that this sea creature was approaching a human being. After all, Mark himself knew what terrible and dangerous beings human beings were. He himself ate fondly fish. The thought shocked him that he might have accidentally eaten from a mermaid.
"As long as you do not hurt me, you don't need to be afraid of me," said the black-haired with a slight smile.
"I'm not going to hurt you! But I want to learn so much from you, how could I hurt you?", The eyes of the sea creature became huge as he spoke.
"You want to learn everything about human beings?" Mark asked, confused.
"Yes, of course! Humans are fascinating beings, even though I still do not understand why you have legs rather than fins and can not breathe under water, but never mind ... there's so much I want to know about you."
Mark was impressed and a bit confused at the same time. He still could not believe a Merman was swimming in the water in front of him. He did not want to believe it either. It has always been said in ancient legends that mermaids were dangerous creatures, who dragged shipmen into the water with their charming smile and drowned them. And his counterpart had a very charming smile.
"We should probably introduce ourselves ..." Mark said, trying to distract himself from the fact that he was still tied up.
"Right, my name is Jack!", Said the Merman with a wide smile on his lips that ranged from one ear to the other.
"And ... you really are a Merman?"
"Yes, I am, do you want to see my fin?" Jack asked, but did not wait for an answer, but raised his red shining fin out of the water behind him.
Fascinated, the human looked at the fin.
"Wow.", was the only thing Mark could say.

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