- Chapter 3

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- Chapter 3

'' Behind every beautiful thing , theres some pain.'' 

 - Michael's P.O.V - 

Another ordinary day in this big white room of mine. Although it wont just be mine in a few hours apparently i am being forced to share since im the only one without a room mate the new person has to join me. I told the doctors it wasn't a good idea and they should know that , thats the reason i've been alone in here for 2 months already. I would of had one of the boys moved into here if i could but they insisted i stay on my own now they want to dump a stranger in here. Well good luck to them.

They think that this new person can help me and i can help them which i think its complete bullshit just to shut me up. I shouldn't even be in here in this stupid place , i need to be back on stages with my three best friends living my dream but no i'm stuck in this mental institution. Or how they like to call it 'Southgate psychiatric hospital''

- Charlotte's P.O.V -

I sat inside my mum's car and took a deep breathe. She had just parked outside the clinic and i really didn't imagine she would go through with it. I'm scared no. I'm terrified what is going to happen in there. I could end up coming out even more crazy then before. 

''I can't believe your making me do this.'' i rolled my eyes.

''This isn't a punishment Charlotte.It's a place for you too go to get help and help you talk about it.''

''I don't wanna talk about it.'' i interrupted

''Then don't talk about it just listen.'' she paused 

''We can't pretend this didn't happen. It happened and you need help there's nothing wrong with asking for help!...'' she said another long pause of silence took up the car.

''It's really hard to see you in this much pain! I am scared your going to try this again.'' her voice cracked and i could already tell she was holding back the tears.

''You put so much into your life. Your life is so precious.'' she explained , i let out a deep breathe.

''Please...'' she said letting out a small sob

''Fine okay i'm going!'' i grabbed my bag and opened the car door getting out and slamming it shut. I took one last look at my mother who was having a breakdown in the car and turned around walking up the steps and through the door. I was greeted by the women from yesterday Melissa , she shook my hand and gestured me to follow her. 

The first thing i noticed about the place was that is was so white. It's kinda funny because its so stereotypical but i guess white is a calming colour. Melissa took me down a hallway where a sign caught my attention 'Adult psychiatric.' Well i guess i'm here. We walked until we were stood outside another two doors. The sign above it reading 3 - South. Melissa knocked on the door and it was opened by a security guard. The door was slammed shut behind me making me turn around and widen my eyes in a bit of shock i suppose. I really am locked up in here. I was taken into Melissa's office and i sat down on one of the chairs opposite her.

''Welcome to south gate Charlotte.'' she said

''Thanks.'' i rolled my eyes and let out a deep breathe.

''How come i'm in the adult Psychiatric. I'm only seventeen.''

''Our teen facilities is in the works so all teens have been transferred to stay with the adults. We also expect you to act like one. Follow your schedule with meal times , sleeping times , activities and counseling sessions..'' she said handing me a sheet of paper.

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