Chapter 3

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Rebecca's pov

I have been sitting here for a good 3 hours so far. My head is still killing me and I think it's still bleeding.

" Can someone fix my head please? It's still bleeding" I say. Chance pauses his game and looks at me and rolls his eyes. He stands up and goes into the bathroom and comes back out with toilet paper and he hands it to me. " Put this on your head so it stops bleeding" he says and I put it on my head.

Then a girl comes into the room, she has brown hair and she is so pretty! (Tessa)

" Here I'll fix your head for you" she says and goes over to Chance and one of the twins (Emilio). " Give me the key." She says and puts out her hand. Chance goes into his front pocket and pulls the tiny key out and she comes back to me and tells me that her name is Tessa.

I stand up and I feel extremely lightheaded and I sway a little and Tessa holds on to me and she helps me walk to a different bathroom. She tells me to sit on the toilet and she gets bandages out of a container. " I have a tons of these because it gets crazy in this house and who knows what might happen" she says and then smiles at me.

She starts to fix up my head. " I'm so sorry this is happening to you, I wish I could stop them, but I have no say and they won't tell me or Erika what they are doing and why you are here, by the way Erika is another girl who lives here also , you will meet her soon she is super nice and fun!" Tessa apologized to me.

" Yea , I understand" I say.

" They are such idiots but I gotta love them because they are like family to me" she says and smiles once again.

She finished up and throws stuff away and she gives me pain medicine of course for the pain in my head.

She takes me back to the room where we were before. I sit on the bed and Tessa leaves. They don't even notice I'm back.

" Who are the twins? What are their names?" I ask.

" This one is Emilio " says Chance

" This one is Ivan" Anthony says.

I just nod my head and I look down at the floor.

I look to my left and I see the gun is just sitting there on a table. I could just grab it and I would be in control. I don't have the handcuffs on anymore.

They have their attention back on their games.i quickly grab the gun and I point it at Ivan's head. " Let me go now , or I will blow Ivan's brains out" I say and my face goes all stern like.

" You don't even know how to use that thing" Chance says and once again rolls his eyes at me.  Anthony then stands up and he puts his hands up into the air.

" You wanna bet?" I ask and then shoot Emilio right in the leg. Emilio screams and I hear people running up the stairs and shouting. " Woah okay Rebecca put the gun down please" Anthony says and backs up a little. Ivan is about to go to his brother but I say " Stop right now, or I will shoot you right in the head!" I yell and point the gun back at Ivan's head.

Then jake and Kade enter the room and Kade once again is filming. " What is the deal here? What was that loud noise , sounded like a gun shot" Jake asked. " Oh, it sure was" I say and I spin around and I point the gun at Jake. He then puts his hands up immediately.

" How about I shoot you right now?" I laugh. " No Rebecca you don't have to do that" he says stepping closer to me. " Just give me the gun" Jake says and then puts out his hand. " No way, I would never give you the gun , I'm in control now , not you" I say and shake my head.

Then all of sudden the gun is out of my hand and I turn around real quick and now chance has it and puts it right to my forehead. Shit. "Hahaha I'm in control now" Chance laughs.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll be updating real soon! Stay tuned! See you next chapter! Bye for now!

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