Chapter 49

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Rebecca's pov 

My head so heavy. I open my eyes and I'm in Jake's room of course. I see that I'm tied up to the bed. It looks like I'm the only one in the room at the moment, but as soon as I think that the door opens and walks in Jake. I see that he is wearing shorts because earlier he was wearing pants. He has a bandage on his left thigh. He comes over to the bed. In try to get away from him, but failing because of course I'm tied up. "Rebecca...stop." he says calmly and like he is bored. "Why should I stop? You're a evil human being! I'm going to kill you, Jake!!" I yell at him. "Look I came in here to apologize to you, alright?" he says and places his hands up in surrender, but drops them after holding them up for about 3 seconds. 

"You? You're going to fucking apologize?!!" I yell once again. "I'm going to kill you!!!! I'm going to kill you Jake. You're going to rot in hell!! You son of bitch! Fuck you motherfucker!! Go to fucking hell!!! Go kill yourself!!" I scream at him. Jake just stares at me like I didn't say anything at all, but then he speaks up after being quiet for about a minute and listening to my heavy breathing. "That's not a nice thing to say, Rebecca." I scream out in frustration.  "Look I'm going to unite you, but you have to promise not hurt me okay?" Jake says. "Whatever." I say while rolling my eyes. I'm not promising anything. 

Jake slowly walks over to me and then starts to untie the ropes that were holding me to the bed. Jake walks away fast from me. Haha. I wouldn't blame him. I'm going to murder him right here, right now. I slowly walk over to him. He just keeps backing away. This is going to be so much fun! I giggle and then run after Jake. He bolts right out his bedroom door. I chase him down the stairs and out into the front yard. I don't see anyone here anymore. Everything is cleaned up. How long was I out for?

But then a wave ofnausea hits me and I puke all over the ground. I stopped running after Jake when I started to puke everywhere. I feel so dizzy that I collapse to the ground. I lay on my back and I see Jake walk over to me. He looks down at me and just rolls his eyes. He bends and lifts me up into his arms. "Fucking hell. I don't got time for this shit." Jake says while going into the house. I try to struggling out of his grip, but I'm so weak and in so much pain from my wounds. I'm finally going to die because Jake is obviously not going to take me to a hospital. We go back upstairs into his room. He lays me down onto his bed. I can't move so I can't get away from him. Jake leaves to go into his bathroom and he comes back with a huge container of medical supplies. 

He lays the container on the other side of me while he stands on my right side. He takes out a pair of scissors and starts to cut the gauge that was covering my wounds. He cleans them up. He then grabs a needle and a little glass bottle with clear liquid inside. He pokes the needle into the bottle and then puts the needle into the area of my wounds and I soon start to feel numb. He is going to stitch me up. Wow he actually cares and is going to save my life, but I'm still going to kill his ass. 

Jake grabs the stitches supplies and starts to stitch up my 3 wounds. I let him do all this so its easier to kill him. 

He finishes up and wraps my wounds. He then takes out another glass bottle and needle and does the same thing, but this time he puts the needle into my upper right arm. "This is going to help fight the infection." he tells me. He then cleans up and goes back into his bathroom, then comes right out again. He comes back over to the bed. He grabs a blanket from a chair and places it over me. I'm getting very tired. "Sweet dreams, Rebecca." Jake says while leaning over me and kisses my forehead. Jake leans back up and leaves the room and I fall asleep. 

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