Chapter 27

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Rebecca's pov 

We have the plan to the escape, well I'm not escaping. Kara is. I look outside and there are no fans at the moment, which is good. so, we won't have any distractions. "You ready?" I ask. "Ready as I'll ever be." Kara says and stretches her arms. 

We walk down the stairs. "I'm going to use the bathroom." Kara says. She isn't actually using the bathroom. She is leaving through the front door. I'm going to close the bathroom door at the same exact time as she closes the front door. Jake and Anthony are in the kitchen standing. Shit, Anthony is facing toward the door. He can see Kara leaving. 

Kara's pov 

Anthony and I make eye contact. I put my hand on the door handle and I push down on it and when I do Anthony gets up from his bar stool and races toward me. I open the door fast and I slam it shut. I run fast down the driveway which is very short and I start running down the street. Yes! I'm actually doing it. I hear footsteps behind me and they are getting close. I look behind me and its Anthony chasing after me. I look back ahead of me and I bump right into a car that is parked though and I fall right on my ass. I hear Anthony's footsteps slowing down and stopping. He starts to laugh. 

"You think thats funny?" I ask rubbing my head. It was a truck I ran into. Smacked my head right on the bed of the truck. I stand up. 

Anthony grabs my upper arm and drags me back toward the house. Not this shit again. I'm about to twist Anthony's arm just like I did to Jake when I'm on the ground myself. "I know karate too, okay." Anthony says and picks me up from the ground and places me over his shoulder. He walks back to the house and I'm thumping up and down the whole way. How far did I get? I run pretty fast. 

We make it back to the house an I'm put down back onto the couch. Rebecca is here also. Jake is holding onto her upper arm. She looks scared, like very very scared. I've never seen her this scared before. "So, you wanna try to run away?" Jake says. He takes out a gun from behind his shirt. He places it on the side of Rebecca's head. 

"Try that little stunt again and I will blow Rebecca's brain apart. I just roll my eyes and laugh because I know he won't do it, but he lowers the gun and shoots Rebecca's leg. She screams and falls to the ground crying and holding her leg. "You think this shit is funny? The next shot will be her brain." Jake says and gives the gun to Anthony and leaves the room. I get up from the couch, but Anthony stops me and pushes me back down. "You aren't going anywhere." Anthony says and points the gun at me. "I'm going to help my best friend, you stupid moron." I say and I stand up once again, but I'm pushed down once again and Anthony shoots me right in the leg. I scream and I fall to the ground right in front of the couch and I grab a hold of my leg. I cry out in pain. 

I look up at Anthony. "We have to get to the hospital, before we bleed out!" I cry out. 

"Well you should have thought of the consequences before you tried to run away."

I flick him off and I crawl over to Rebecca, but when I'm about to reach her Anthony hits the top of my head with the bottom of the gun and I'm knocked out.

Rebecca's pov 

"Please, Anthony." I say with tears streaming down my face. "I'm so done with the bullshit." Anthony says and he leaves the room and goes upstairs. I reach out to Kara with my hand. She was knocked out by Anthony.I lay down on the ground. Maybe I'll just bleed out here and I'll finally be free. I'm vision is already blurring. I see two figures walk in. They get closer and I finally can make them out. It's Ray and Logan.

 "We are here to help." Logan says. Logan is right next to me and Ray is next to Kara and they lift us up. I cry out in pain. They take us upstairs. 

It's Tessa's room. None of her things are in here. There is two beds, from operating rooms. Logan places me on one of the beds and Ray does the same with Kara. Logan starts a IV in Kara's and I's arms. He injects something in mine and I'm feeling very strange and I pass out. 

Kidnapped by Chance Sutton & Team 10Where stories live. Discover now