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' Welcome to the room of people,
Who have rooms of people that they loved one day,
Docked away.
Just because we check the guns at the door,
Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades. '


Alaska took in a deep breath and allowed her red painted lips to move into a smirk as she everyone around looked over her and she walked towards the back door as Jacob was froze

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Alaska took in a deep breath and allowed her red painted lips to move into a smirk as she everyone around looked over her and she walked towards the back door as Jacob was froze. His eyes scanned over, seeing people with black eyes, fangs, and even whiskers over their face.

He was so caught up in fear, that he was backing up and bumped into someone as he gulped when the man growled at him and blinked showing off bright yellow eyes. "Get off, mutt." He grumbled and Alaska was over towards a back door.

She smiled over the red painted door and knocked on it. The top slid open and a woman with green eyes and a slit pupil looked over her. "Name?" She asked and the woman nods.

"Crowley." She said and the door opened as she saw the woman in only a corset and panties with stockings.

"He's not seeing anyone at this time." She hissed and showed off her scaled face and fangs on her canines.

"Well, he owes me a favor. Tell him Alaska, Servant for Lucifer, is here and ready for him to hold up his end of the bargain." She growled and showed off her black eyes, and the serpent woman coward away slightly.

"I-I'm sorry, Miss Winters. Let me go get him." She nods and walks off as the woman sighed and then heard cheering as she turned around and saw Jacob punching a man's face in.

She rolled her eyes and pulled him off. "Knock it off." She hissed and looked at everyone as the glared at her slightly. "Everyone walk away, otherwise I'll rip your hearts out." She threatened as they grumbled mad walked off and a bartender walked over to Jacob allowing her fingers to trace over his chest and handing him a drink.

She winked and walked away as Alaska raised an eyebrow. "Don't drink it." She stated and Jacob scoffed.

"Watch me." He said and the girl growled while grabbing the drink and pouring it on the ground.

"Do you even know what she is?" She asked him and he shook his head.

"Succubus." She answered and pointed over to a mirror to show off the woman's reflection and Jacobs eyes widened when she was reflected into a skeleton with black tendons.

That's when the red door opened the the serpent woman bowed in a red robe. "Miss Alaska Winters, Crowley is waiting." She stated as everyone looked over the couple as Alaska walked off and went over to Jacob.

"Come on." She said and the werewolf followed her and that's when the red door closed and the woman walked over, showing them the way as other rooms were closed with barriers of magic and many were showing off Clients and Demons getting their deals in.

Alaska walked into the barrier and the woman looks over Jacob as he walks in as well and she snaps her fingers and it's closes.

That's when a man is sitting on the black leather couch and he was smirking over the woman. "Alaska! What a wonderful surprise." He greeted and the woman looked over the room carefully and taking a seat as Jacob crosses his arms.

"Crowley, the new couch suits you." She commented and he looked over the black leather.

"Black suits the blood stains better than white." He said as the woman smirked.

"Good, now are you going to actually get what I need?" She asked and he raises an eyebrow.

"It must be really important if you need extra muscle. Usually you don't need anyone." He stated and the woman looks at Jacob.

"He's a friend, and the item is important. You need to grab the Dagger of Lucifer." She stated as the man laughs at that.

"The Dagger! What in God's ass would you want with that?" He asked as the woman looks over the demon and in seconds her sword in on his Adam's apple as he stops and holds his hands up in surrender.

"I need it, Fergus. You said you would get me anything, and that's what I need." She seethed and Jacobs eyes are widened when he sees the girl so angry.

"Darling, no need for weapons, and the dagger wasn't part of the deal. You get it on your own." He said as the girl growled and dug deeper in his skin as he winced, and orange electricity was impaled in his skin.

"I-I can't." He chocked out and the girl stopped as she pulled the sword to her side.

"What do you mean you can't?" She asked in anger as a man on the other side of the barrier chuckled.

"He can't, because I would kill him." A voice said easily as the girl's muscles tensed and she shook in fear.

She turned around slowly and looked into dark brown eyes. "Lucifer." She breathed out and Jacob was chocking against his hold as he smirked.

"Alaska, my little pet, I have been looking everywhere on the planet to find you."


Alice was driving quickly away with Edward and Bella in the car as well, and Carlisle was on the phone. "Are you sure this would work, Carlisle?" Edward asked and the voice on the other line sighed.

"It's the only thing about him I could find, and it would only send him back so it would give us an extra couple weeks?" He suggested and Alice shook her head.

"We just need to help out Jacob before he dies. We don't have long, Carlisle." She stated and Edward looked over the panicked girl.

"Why do you want to even save him?" He asked and Alice looked at Edward, and then his eyes widened.

Bella looked between them. "What?" She asked and Edward looked at Alice.

"You're sure she could even do that?" He asked and the girl nods.

"Positive. She keeps her word." Alice stated and Bella groaned.

"What?" She asked and Edward looked at Bella.

"She could bring back Renesemee."


< Edited >

Blood Bound • J. Black {Short Story}Where stories live. Discover now