Evan Liams

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I'm just sitting in my classroom like normal, listening to Mrs. Peterson go on and on about the civil war. Damn was this boring, we learn about this shit every year and then the school wonders why the attendance is dwindling.
She took the cap off of one of her expo markers and began writing down today's homework, after doing so she popped the cap back on and flipped her almost nonexistent hair and smiled as she began discussing how we would have to do an essay. We all turned towards the door when we heard loud crashing and screaming. Mrs. Peterson furrowed her brows in confusion and walked over to the door and opened it, inspecting the hallway. Once she did something yanked her into the hall and we heard her screaming bloody murder. The class rose from their seats and we all backed away from the door. That's when they started barging in, teachers from downstairs and students but they were...zombies?!
Holy shit! What the fuck?! Oh no, no, no! Why the hell-
Everyone flew into a bloody panic and I went straight for the window and yanked it open as more zombies came barreling in and chomping down on unsuspecting students. I made my way onto the roof and a girl tried to follow me but just as I was gonna help her a zombie threw itself at her causing both of them to go plummeting to the ground. I turned away as I heard her body hit and I kept walking along the roof carefully, waiting for an empty room. Once I found one I figured there's noise everywhere so if I kick the window in no one will notice.
Or nothing at least.
I kicked the window in and carefully got into the classroom. I grabbed the heaviest textbook I could find and looked out the tiny 4 inch wide window on the door. I slowly opened the door and looked down the hallway.
God it was chaos. People were being eaten and others were smashing various objects against zombie heads. Blood was everywhere, I'd rather be in hell. Or maybe this is hell.
I ran out and to the stairs, the elevator probably isn't the best idea right now. Once I went to open the stair doors a zombie slammed it and lunged at me. I dodged as well as my nerdy, I sit at my computer playing World of Warcraft, body could handle and magically she didn't hit me. I took that opportunity to smack the zombie in the head. I smacked her so hard her head cracked around 180 degrees and she fell to the floor. I felt my stomach drop and I looked away and quickly went through the stairs door. I quickly but carefully made my way down the stairs to see two zombies make their way to me. Of course the quarter back just had to turn. I groaned and backwards climbed up the steps. The quarter back went at me first and I blocked him with the text book, he began gnawing pleasantly and I then kicked him in the gut causing him to knock the other zombie down the stairs. I then sprinted past them barely dodging them grabbing my leg and rammed my way outside. I began running out of the school, I saw a girl running towards me and I turned to go help her but she was trampled by a couple zombies and then eaten raveningly by them. I turned and ran out of the school, where the fuck to now? Home? I made my way home, using the backstreets as to avoid as much confrontation as possible and as soon as I got home I carefully made my way inside.
I held my textbook up ready to fight and just as I was going to grab the door knob my sister came bursting out of the house, knocking us both on our feet.
"Evan!! Help mom, da-"
She was cut off by loud gurgling moans coming from behind her, we both looked to see it was our father. He was now a zombie. He came at us and I rolled us over and got on my feet and waved my hands to get his attention as my sister climbed to her feet.
"Do you have a weapon?!"
I asked and she threw a kitchen knife at me just as my father came lunging at me again. He knocked me over and I fell to the ground and he began trying to bite my neck. I pushed on his forehead and scrambled around for the knife. It was just barely out of my reach.
For fuck sake!
I couldn't push him off and I couldn't do shit. He was gonna bite me and I was gonna turn. Then suddenly he stopped squirming and fell limply on top of me. I pushed him off and backed away to feel the kitchen knife from my sister under my hand. I looked up to see my mother. Wearing her nice blue dress and Kiss the Cook apron on with a cleaver in my father's head. I scrambled to my feet and we all went inside and slammed the door shut.
"What the fuck is happening?!"
My sister Vanessa screamed and turned on the news.
"Vanessa language!"
My mother hissed and Vanessa retorted.
"I think my language is the least of our problems right now mom! Dad is outside, dead!"
We all turned to the TV and watched the news reporter as she explained the zombie out break and how no one knew what exactly was happening. As she was talking the police men around her became overwhelmed and she was promptly eaten, the new camera now cracked and covered in blood.
"What do we do?"
I asked and turned to the girls, they looked about as lost as me.
"Let's get in the truck and go get supplies for now."
My mother said as she grabbed her keys and handed Vanessa a large cutting knife and me a metal baseball bat. We made out way outside and a few zombies instantly came at us. Me and Vanessa took them on as mom started the truck. I cracked a zombies skull open and as soon as that one fell to the ground another came at me. I pulled my bat back and swung as hard as I could, splattering it's brain and blood onto my sister. Vanessa stabbed one straight in the forehead and then had trouble getting the knife out so I smashed the one behind her. He didn't die instantly and tried to grab her once he hit the ground so I smashed his skull in until he stopped moving.
Our mom called for us and we sprinted to the truck, Vanessa in the passenger seat and me in the back and then we drove off to gather supplies.

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