Amelia White

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes, my alarm was screaming at me and I looked at it. My phone said 10:35 shit I was really late. I sighed and turned the alarm off and decided not to go to class today, no use now.
I tried to go back to sleep but was unable to do so, so I got up and got dressed. When I went down into the living room I saw the house was vacant. I grabbed a loaf of bread and popped two pieces in the toaster and then leaned against the counter waiting. Once the toaster dinged I took it out and started eating which resulted in me burning my tongue.
I finished eating and went to sit down when I heard loud banging coming from the front door. I got up and grabbed a 9mm that my father always kept underneath the coffee table, thank god for cops. The door bursted open and rotting corpses barreled into the house. I jumped and backed away, they lunged at me and I shot one that was 3 feet away from me.
I went to go out the back door but one of them grabbed my hair and yanked me back and attempted to bite my face. I gasped and rolled out of the way and kicked the zombie in the face.
"What the fuck?!"
I back away and climbed to my feet and aimed at another zombie that came at me, barring its teeth at me. I shot it straight through the head and it dropped, I sprinted down the hall into my sisters room and slammed the door shut, locking it. I then put the gun done and pushed her dresser in front of the door and was knocked away once the zombies began banging against the door. I got up and grabbed the gun again and grabbed my sisters combat boots and put them on. I then ripped open her curtains and looked around, nothing seemed like it was there so I carefully and quietly opened the window. I stuck my head out and looked around, seems as though they were all in the front of the house. As I was climbing through they had punched through the door and splinters of wood cake flying at me, cutting my shoulder and cheek. I winced and pushed myself out of the window, I sprinted to my fence and climbed over it to see a car going directly at me. I screamed and jumped out of the way and the car crashed into my fence. A man was screaming in the drivers seat and was being eaten.
He screamed out as he struggled to push the zombie away. I froze right there, the gun was in my hand but I couldn't bring myself to lift it. My eyes widened as I watched this man get eaten alive.
"My god..."
Was all I could say as the zombie finished his meal and looked directly at me. He was missing an arm and leg so he started crawling towards me. I backed away as my breath hitched.
My hands shook as I tried to take aim but I couldn't, even when I had a clear shot my hand couldn't pull the trigger. He grabbed my ankle and I screamed and he was shot in the head. I stared blankly at the zombie before I was grabbed by the wrist and swung around and then dragged into a truck.
"We need to get out of here! You can't be hesitating like that. You'll end up dying."
A man with salt and pepper hair and blood covering his uniform spoke to me.
"F-father? What's going on?!"
I screamed as he high tailed out of there.
"I don't know. No one does."
He drove out of town and onto the highway as far away from the town as possible.
"What about supplies?"
"I have enough for a month or two in the truck right now."
I nodded and started at my hands, they were still tightly clasped on the gun. My eyes widened and I felt my heart rate increase and I dropped it and held my hands to my mouth.
"Pull over!"
Was all I could manage before my father pulled over and I rushed out of the car and puked. After I was done I wiped my mouth and crouched down with my hands on my head.
"Zombies? They're real?! How?"
I spat out whatever I thought which was just a bunch of incoherent questions, my father kneeled down next to me and pulled me into his chest.
"I don't know Amelia, but don't worry. We'll figure this out. I assure you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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