Olivia Barnes

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Thank god the school bell rang or else I might have just jumped off a bridge. I do enjoy private schools and shit but honestly the lectures are horrendous and it never got interesting. Even the more interesting things about history or science or English or any subject really just grew tiresome. Once the bell rang I sprang up and made my way out of the room, I saw my best friend Fiona. She was kind of small and very shy.
Her and I looked exactly the opposite. She had long curly brown hair that went to her thighs and dark brown eyes, she also had lovely tan skin that I could never imagine getting. Her uniform barely fit her from her staggering height of about 4 feet. I on the other hand have short uneven platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes and very fair skin. I was also about 5,9 and I was often made fun of for this. For the last few years in a row I actually had to use the boys uniform it was only until this year they made a uniform big enough for me. I waved and smiled.
"Oh hey there Fiona. Is everything alright?"
I asked as she wrung her hands and looked at her feet.
"Y-yeah...just kind of nervous about having to do a project next class."
"Well in sure you'll do fine-"
I was cut off by people running into the hallway and then slamming the hallway door shut quickly.
One of the guys on the door said. The door began being banged back and forth and my breath hitched as I saw a lifeless eyes stare directly at me from the small window of the door. Then I saw bloodied hands grasp at the window of the door and then break it and proceeded to grab at anything they could. Fiona began shaking at the knees and I held my hands up to my mouth. The doors were slammed open and the people in close proximity were tackled and chomped on. The room became filled with screams. I grabbed Fiona by the wrists and ran the opposite way. The hallway on our side became filled with zombies that came barreling at us. I grabbed a chair from a nearby classroom and threw it through the window. I helped Fiona through and made my way through. Just as I was about through though I was pulled back by my left ankle and drug into the hallway. The glass from the window cutting my hands and arms as I grasped at the pane to keep me from going in. I kicked the zombie hard the face a few times before it finally let go and I pushed myself through the window.
I got to my feet and ripped my coat sleeve and wrapped them around my hands and tied them up. Fiona and I began running towards the cars and we saw a few teachers loading a bus. We sprinted towards it but Fiona was tackled to the ground by one.
I dashed to her and threw the zombie off, the zombie came at me slowly. It's dead coal colored eyes staring into me and blood and flesh hanging from its mouth. The zombie reached out to grab me but was quickly sent back and it's head was smashed in by a boot. I saw one of the teachers with a bat hold his hand out to me and then dropped it and turned his attention behind me. I turned to see Fiona's now dull eyes staring directly into mine as she tired to bite my neck. The teacher kicked her in the head and smashed her skull in and then pulled me up and dragged me to the bus. I got on and sat on the first available seat. Some other students were there and some where weeping, others were staring dully out the window and others were screaming out and punching the seat in front of them. I stared at the seat in front of me, I felt hot tears pour down my face as they started the bus up and the last few people got on. I looked at my hands and I felt my stomach flip.
"Oh god...Fiona..."
The bus started up and drove off at an intense speed and it caused the students to go bouncing around and I even banged my head once on the window. It barely even hurt.
How could I have let this happen? To sweet, sweet Fiona of all people?
I looked out the window to see the complete chaos the world was in now. Cars were crashing, people screaming and pushing other people into zombies.
"When you back a frightened animal in a corner there is nothing it won't do to survive."
How true that was indeed.

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